Chapter 1441 Photos of Wife and Son
It was really found by Ye Yiwei.

In the middle of the wallet was a photo of a young woman holding a little boy of about two years old.

Who are these two people?

Could it be that Ji Yunyi was married?

This is a photo of his wife and son?

Thinking of this, Ye Yiwei felt uncomfortable.

After paying the bill and returning to the private room, she threw the wallet back to Ji Yunyi, turned around and left.

Ji Yunyi followed quickly, and handed the bracelet the two of them bought together to her eyes: "This is for you."

"I do not want it."

Ye Yiwei gave him a cold look and continued walking.

"Don't forget it."

There was a trash can at the corner of the downstairs of the hotel, Ji Yunyi casually threw the bracelet and the packaging on the lid of the trash can, and left indifferently.

Just throw it away?
Ye Yiwei stood by the trash can, staring at the bracelet on the lid of the trash can, it cost thousands of dollars, what a pity!

Ji Yunyi drove the car out of the parking lot, and saw Ye Yiwei standing neatly at the entrance of the hotel.

The breeze blows her long hair and drives her flowing skirt. In his eyes, it is a vivid picture.

He admired it with a smile on the corner of his mouth. This little wild cat with its teeth and claws also has quiet moments, and only then does it look like a lady.

The car slipped and stopped in front of her.

"Send me back!"

Ye Yiwei didn't sit in the passenger seat, but opened the rear door, got into the car, and leaned on the seat with a satisfied look.

Touching her bulging belly, Ye Yiwei said softly, "Do you know what my biggest wish was when I was young?"

"What is it?" Ji Yunyi looked at her through the rearview mirror.

Ye Yiwei replied: "I don't dare to expect to be full every day when I have enough food. It is enough to eat enough on my birthday, but I can't satisfy even a little bit of my wish. It’s lucky to starve to death.”

A crystal teardrop trickled from under her thick eyelashes, flowed down her pink cheeks, and flowed down her neck along the curve of her chin.

She doesn't even know who her parents are.

There used to be a woman who was her mother, but although that woman raised her, she was not her real mother.

And the place she called home never gave her warmth. From the day she left, she never thought of going back.

She has no parents, no home, no one to love and take care of, so she can only rely on herself in the future.

What kind of fragile heart is hidden under the seemingly strong appearance?
She is like a newborn animal that needs care, making Ji Yunyi's heart ache.

He parked the car in a temporary parking space on the side of the road, got into the rear compartment, sat down next to her, stretched out his long arms, and pulled her head against his shoulder.

He stroked her hair gently with his big hand, and could not say comforting words, hoping that this could give her some comfort.

She needed reassurance and didn't refuse his kindness.

Leaning on his broad shoulders, it was so comfortable that she could temporarily forget her sadness.

Why did she feel warmth from this person she should have hated, and why did she tell her sad things in front of him who she didn't know well.

She felt a headache and didn't want to think about anything. It would be nice if time stopped at this moment.

"What wish did you have when you were a child?" If it was within his ability, he was willing to help her realize it, as long as it could fade the sadness in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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