Chapter 1453

"You two have a good relationship?" Ji Yunyi asked sourly.


Ye Yiwei pursed her lips, already smelling the sour smell in the air.

The two suddenly lost their language, you look at me, I look at you, no one speaks anymore.

The atmosphere became awkward, and Ye Yiwei waved her hand: "Don't worry, I won't call you again in the future, I'm out of my mind today, don't mind."

When Ji Yunyi heard the words, he nodded agreeingly: "Your brain is really flooded."

"You..." Ye Yiwei panicked when her chest was blocked by his words.

She patted her chest and told herself in her heart, don't be angry, don't be angry, his brain is flooded.

Ye Yiwei tried her best to maintain a sweet smile, not being as knowledgeable as him: "I have an exam tomorrow, and I have to study, goodbye."

Watching Ye Yiwei leave, Ji Yunyi also turned around, took two steps, fixed there, as if his feet were not controlled by his brain, and turned around by himself.

As soon as his brain was confused, he shouted at her back: "Ye Yiwei!"

"What?" Ye Yiwei, who had already walked to the door of the library, turned her head in astonishment and looked at him strangely.

Although he stopped her, he didn't know what to say, and he seemed to have a lot of words stuck in his throat. He thought about it a lot, and finally said a word: "Talk for a few words before leaving."

"What's there to talk about?"

Ye Yiwei thought sullenly, she was so busy and had to study for the exam, how could she have the time to chat with him.

For a while, he and she really had nothing to talk about.

Just acquaintances, not even friends, but even just acquaintances, they can become friends, and they are attracted to each other, she also has feelings for him.

Ji Yunyi was silent for a while before saying, "Come with me for a walk."

Ye Yiwei frowned, he was so dangerous, what if he molested her again?It's me who suffers, so it's better to keep a distance from him as much as possible.

"If you want to go for a walk, do it yourself. I don't have time. You can go back quickly! Goodbye." Ye Yiwei turned her head and walked up the stairs quickly.

Ji Yunyi watched Ye Yiwei's graceful figure disappear at the corner of the stairs, stood there for a long time, and then took a long leg and followed.

He didn't know which floor she was on, so he went from floor to floor, from study room to study room.

He finally saw that charming figure, and the seat next to her happened to be empty.

An imperceptible smile bloomed at the corner of Ji Yunyi's mouth, he walked over lightly, sat next to her, picked up a book in front of her, and started reading.

Ye Yiwei turned her head and saw Ji Yunyi's face, her heartbeat suddenly accelerated: "What are you doing here?"

She kept her voice as low as possible, she thought he was gone.

Ji Yunyi didn't speak, but carefully opened the book in his hand.

"What are you doing here?" Ye Yiwei thought her voice was too low for him to hear, so she pulled his sleeve and amplified her voice a little.

"Shh!" He put his slender and clean fingers to his lips, signaling her not to speak.

Glaring at him hatefully, Ye Yiwei took out a post-it note from her bag and wrote a few words: "What are you doing here?"

Followed by a big question mark.

Put it on the book and let him read it carefully.

Ji Yunyi raised his eyes to look at Ye Yiwei, took the pen from her hand, and wrote a few words: "Don't do anything."

Handed it back to her.

Seeing Ji Yunyi's vigorous, forceful, elegant and graceful words on the sticky note, Ye Yiwei almost fainted from anger.

(End of this chapter)

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