Chapter 1459 You Are Delicious Below You
"Have you come to see if I cleaned the dishes?"

Ye Yiwei spoke angrily, and walked past Ji Yunyi, snorting.

Being able to eat and get out of bed by myself seems almost as good.

Now she even began to wonder if his stomach pain just now was fake.

After the doctor's examination, he prescribed some medicine and drips, and said that it was not serious, as long as he took care of himself, he would recover.

It's only been an hour or two, and he acted like nothing happened, it's hard not to make people feel suspicious.

Ji Yunyi's eyes followed Ye Yiwei's figure, and he sincerely praised: "You are delicious."

"Really?" Ye Yiwei curled her lips, with a careless look on her face, but actually her heart was already full of joy.

Of course the noodles she made were delicious, not only did she make delicious noodles, but she also cooked even better, but she wouldn't make them for him, damn it, big ass!

"Well, continue tomorrow morning."

What he said made Ye Yiwei blow her beard and stare, saying why he praised her for being so nice, so she wanted to keep ordering her around, hmph, damn it!
She really thought of her as an old lady who didn't want money.

Ye Yiwei yawned, she was so tired, she wanted to sleep when she saw the bed.

Kicking off her shoes and climbing onto the bed, Ye Yiwei pulled up the quilt and covered it, ignoring Ji Yunyi's existence, turned her back to sleep.

But she didn't fall asleep, and she couldn't fall asleep anyway.

Hearing him approaching with ears pricked up, Ye Yiwei was ready to show him some color at any time, her small fists were tightly clenched in the quilt, if he dared to moleste her, she would show him a good look.

It wasn't until Ji Yunyi got into bed, and the sound of the quilt rustling in her ears, that Ye Yiwei's tense nerves relaxed.

Wrapping the quilt tightly, her eyelids were twitching, and she yawned again before closing her eyes and falling asleep.

Ye Yiwei's regular breathing could be clearly heard in the silent ward, and she fell asleep.

But Ji Yunyi couldn't fall asleep anyway, the drip was not finished yet, he had to stay awake all the time, and when it was about to finish, he used the beeper to call the nurse to pull out the needle.

Not long after, the drip was finally over, and he felt relieved as soon as the nurse pulled out the needle.

He moved his wrist and felt the joint was stiff.

Ji Yunyi's eyes fell on Ye Yiwei, who was soundly asleep. She seemed very tired, and fell asleep as soon as she touched the bed.

He sat on the edge of her bed and leaned over to look at her. Her little face was huddled under the quilt, sleeping so sweetly.

At this time, she is as well-behaved as a doll, and she is a lynx with teeth and claws on weekdays, both cute and hateful.

Ji Yunyi gritted his teeth, and dared to set his phone number in the blacklist, ghost girl!
He stretched out his hand to pinch her pink face, but he stretched out his hand in mid-air, and retracted it again.

Just don't wake her up.

Ye Yiwei's bag on the bedside attracted Ji Yunyi's attention.

He looked at Ye Yiwei who was sleeping soundly, held his breath, and gently took out her mobile phone, and sure enough, he found his number in the blacklist.

The only two phone numbers are her own, so she gave her a hateful look, damn girl!
After canceling the blacklist, Ji Yunyi felt at ease, put the phone back in the bag for her, and then went to sleep in a down-to-earth manner.

Lying on the bed, Ji Yunyi looked at the woman who was close at hand, and laughed at himself, what the hell is he doing?
He clearly knew that she was pregnant with another man's child, but he let himself sink in. Would he repeat the same mistakes again?

Ji Yunyi remembered that when he met Qi Yuxi back then, she was just pregnant...

(End of this chapter)

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