The sky-high cute baby, the president's daddy delivered it to the door

Chapter 1487 A Woman Who Can't Be Seen in Her Life

Chapter 1487

Ji Yunyi thought for a while, and gave a pertinent answer: "Well, as long as you don't care about your status, I can support you for the rest of your life."

Don't care about your name?
Ye Yiwei smiled, a sad and moving smile.

It turned out that his love for her was only to want her to be his lover for life, a woman who would never see the light of his life.

Hiding in a dark corner waiting for his occasional favor, living like a mouse, humbled into the dust.

"Okay! Then you will support me forever."

Maybe it's better that way, you shouldn't be hopeful in the first place, so you won't be disappointed.

Seeing him nodding, she paused and said, "But I have to wait for a year. After a year, I will be yours! For the rest of my life."

"Why wait a year?"

Ji Yunyi frowned, he didn't think he had the patience to wait for her for a year, it was tormenting him.

Looking at his handsome face, Ye Yiwei smiled lightly and said, "No reason, if you want to, then wait for a year, if you don't want to, I won't see you again after I leave this door."

After pondering for a moment, Ji Yunyi took her into his arms: "Okay, I'll just wait for a year."

Breaking free from his embrace, Ye Yiwei was afraid that she would sink endlessly. She needed to be rational, so she stood up and walked towards the bathroom: "I'm going to wash my shirt."

Ji Yunyi stood up and grabbed her hand, stopping her footsteps: "No need to wash, you stay with me."

Ye Yiwei turned her head suddenly, facing Ji Yunyi's clear eyes, she couldn't see any emotion, she just stared at her indifferently.

"All right!"

She sat back on the sofa again, and Ji Yunyi hugged her and was reluctant to let go. It would be great if the time was frozen, and the two of them stayed together like this, filling the room with warmth.

Smelling her hair from the side, Ji Yunyi closed his eyes contentedly.

From then on, she is his person, her beauty is only shown in front of his eyes, and she will always be by his side.

He doesn't know how far forever is, he only knows one thing, that is, he loves her, and at some point, love has taken root in his heart and occupied his entire heart.

"Give me a baby."

Suddenly, Ji Yunyi had such a strong desire to conceive a child with her, and the fusion of the blood of the two is more effective than any rituals and procedures.


Ye Yiwei agreed casually, but she didn't take it seriously, because she didn't think that she would really stay by his side for the rest of her life.

"You can go and see, which real estate house you like, I will buy it for you."

Ji Yunyi didn't know what Ye Yiwei was thinking, but he really planned to raise her for the rest of his life.

Everything starts from the most realistic conditions, buy her a house first, and then arrange a job after she graduates, of course not in Ji's.

Within his ability, arrange her well, and he will spend a few days a week with her.

Even if he gets married, their relationship will not end, but will continue forever.

Raising one or two lovers is nothing in his circle, and he also has the financial ability.

Ye Yiwei's heart trembled when he heard him talk about the house.

It was not a home, but a house, more like a birdcage. She was his captive canary, waiting for his occasional care. She looked gorgeous, but in fact it was extremely cold, without any warmth.

That's not what she wanted, never was.

"Okay, I'll watch it when I have time." Ye Yiwei followed his wishes and agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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