Chapter 1529 Birthday
Ji Yunyi touched Ye Yiwei's head distressedly, and pulled her to look at the photos together.

"When was this photo taken?" Ji Yunyi casually pointed to a photo, trying to divert her attention and try not to think about those unhappy things.

"When I was ten years old, these photos were basically taken on my birthday."

Ye Yiwei looked at her young self in the photo, and vaguely remembered the happiness back then.

The birthday when she was ten years old was probably the happiest birthday she ever had. She ate a birthday cake for the first time. Although it was very small, she thought it was so sweet. Her eyes smiled like crooked moons, and she did it to the camera. A victory pose.

"Oh, when is your birthday?" Ji Yunyi looked at her little face, and now seemed to be immersed in happy memories, with sweet smiles on his brows and eyes.

"Yes..." Ye Yiwei hesitated for a moment, then said perfunctorily, "It's still early!"

In fact, she didn't know her exact birthday, and her mother took the day she picked her up as her birthday.

But my mother also said that she was two or three months old when she was picked up, so her actual age should be two or three months older than she is now.

She doesn't even know who her biological parents are. What's the point of knowing her birthday? It's not a memorable day, so she doesn't care which day it is.

"When exactly is it?"

"I won't tell you." Ye Yiwei blinked mischievously, with a smile on her lips, he was actually interested in her birthday, which surprised her, and thought that men would not care about it.

She didn't say she didn't care, and he could know it in other ways.

In a few days, all her information will appear in written form in front of his eyes, and there is no rush at this moment.

"What about this picture?"

Ji Yunyi casually pointed to another photo.

Ye Yiwei leaned over to look, and the heads of the two touched each other.

Ye Yiwei retracted her head reflexively, covered her forehead and smiled apologetically, and carefully stopped getting so close to him.

"This photo is..."

The two chatted while looking at the photos, and after a while they could smell the aroma of food coming in from outside the house.

Ji Yunyi sniffed his nose and praised: "Your mother's cooking tastes delicious."

"Yeah." Ye Yiwei nodded grumpily, she hadn't had a meal cooked by her adoptive mother for a long time.

If she is at home, she buys vegetables, cooks, washes dishes and clothes.

She took care of all the housework, and the adoptive mother would either go out to solicit business, or play mahjong in the teahouse outside, and it would be fine to come back for dinner when the time came.

At this time, Ye Xiaoying came in with a plate of sweet and sour pork ribs, smiled at the two and greeted them enthusiastically, "Yiwei, go fetch water and wash Mr. Ji's hands, dinner will be ready soon."

"Okay." Ye Yiwei stood up and went out of the room. There was a bathroom at the end of the corridor, and she went there to pick it up with a basin.

Looking at the basin full of black dirt, Ye Yiwei curled her lips, grabbed a handful of washing powder and washed the inside and outside of the basin clean, and then took the water back.

"Come wash your hands." She put the basin on the ground to get soap.

Seeing that the soap was also dirty, she withdrew her hand and let him wash it with clean water.

Seeing Ji Yunyi washing his hands in the basin, Ye Yiwei also put her hand in, her hand soaked in the water was cool and comfortable.

Ji Yunyi grabbed Ye Yiwei's hand in the water and pressed it under his palm. Ye Yiwei couldn't break free, so she hit him with her head.

(End of this chapter)

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