Chapter 1574
Lucas had nothing to do with Lu Mufeng in the United States, but this is Jiangcheng, and Lu Mufeng was not going to let him go so easily.

In order not to startle the enemy, he didn't have a direct confrontation with Lucas, but now, it's time for him to make a move.


Lucas already has the blood of country A. After coming to Jiangcheng, he ate the food of country A every day, and he didn't want to leave.

Every day, he invites chefs from major hotels to "Bi Hai Lan Tian" to make special dishes for him to taste.

Lucas is a very suspicious person. Before he eats, he will ask the bodyguard to eat first. If the bodyguard is okay, he will eat.

The bruises on Xu Ziyi's face had disappeared a lot, and she sat beside Lucas sullenly, watching him eat.

Lucas has a habit of drinking freshly squeezed orange juice with his meals.

He ate the spicy and delicious rabbit meat, and his mouth soon turned red, so he could only drink orange juice to relieve the spicy food.

Xu Ziyi only drank orange juice and didn't eat rabbit meat. She was in a bad mood and didn't want to eat anything.

Suddenly, Lucas had an unbearable abdominal pain, and his face turned blue as he clutched his stomach.

Xu Ziyi asked lightly: "What's wrong with you?"

"Stomach pain..." Lucas rushed to the bathroom before finishing his sentence.

He was almost exhausted when he came out of the bathroom.

"Did you put medicine in the dish?" Lucas asked the bodyguard to grab the chef, he picked up the gun tremblingly, and put it on the chef's head.

"No, no..." The chubby chef pissed in fright: "Everyone else ate it, and it's all right... Let me show you, there is really no medicine..."

As the chef spoke, he grabbed the dishes on the table and stuffed them into his mouth.

After eating a lot of every dish, he knelt on the ground and cried: "Boss, please forgive me, please forgive me, I really didn't prescribe any medicine..."

Just as Lucas was about to speak, his stomach turned upside down again.

He gritted his teeth and rushed to the bathroom.

Xu Ziyi asked the bodyguard to send the chef away, and then went to appease Lucas.

She said to Lucas through the door: "You may be acclimatized, just change the water, it will be fine in a few days, you are easy to dehydrate like this, let's go to the hospital!"

Lucas opened the door with a pale face and came out, so weak that even the wind could blow him down.

Xu Ziyi quickly supported him and drove him to the hospital himself.

After the examination, the doctor said that Lucas had eaten food that was incompatible with each other. The incompatibility between rabbit meat and oranges would cause diarrhea. In the future, he should not eat oranges when eating rabbit meat.

In the United States, there is no food that can overcome this statement, Lucas was dubious and admitted to the hospital for infusion.

Xu Ziyi checked it online, and it was true that rabbit meat and oranges cannot be eaten together.

"Don't drink so much orange juice with your meals in the future." Xu Ziyi said: "Not only can you eat rabbit meat with oranges, you can't eat seafood, it will be poisoned."

"Yeah." Lucas replied sullenly, he had never been so embarrassed in his life.

Although I have been empty, my stomach is still rattling.

Lucas was on fluids and was a little slow getting out of bed, pulling up his trousers.

He wanted to die already.


Sitting in the car, Lu Mufeng watched Xu Ziyi help the weak Lucas out of the car, with a cold smile on his lips.

Jiang Hua narrowed his eyes with a smile: "Boss, this trick of yours is really amazing, so what about the heir of the second largest family in the United States, you should eat, you should be lassing, hahaha..."

Lu Mufeng glanced at him lightly: "Drive!"

"Yes, boss."

Not long after, Lu Mufeng's cell phone received a text message: "The virus has been injected."

He put down his phone and closed his eyes, ready to give it a go.

(End of this chapter)

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