Chapter 1619 Kidnapping
Zhou Nana was put into a garbage bag by the kidnappers, then thrown into a garbage truck, and sent to an abandoned warehouse in the suburbs, where she changed cars and went to a more remote place.

Zhou Nana didn't know how long she had been in a coma. When she opened her eyes, it was pitch black and she couldn't see anything.

The pungent gasoline smell and violent jolts told her she was in the trunk of the car, not knowing where she was going.


She struggled a few times and found that her voice was not as loud as the old exhaust pipe.

The sound of "boom boom boom" made her ears ring.

Zhou Nana was trembling with fear, she kept telling herself to be calm, to be calm.

There is no doubt that she was kidnapped.

Didn't Nangong Yuheng send someone to protect her?
What about those people?

Now I can't rely on others, I can only find a way to save myself.

She remembered that the taillights of the car were the weakest point. If she kicked the taillights away, maybe the cars behind could see her calling for help.

Just do it without delay.

Zhou Nana turned over by feeling, and then kicked towards the taillight.

The sound of "dong dong dong" quickly attracted the driver's attention. He stopped the car, got out of the car with a towel, opened the trunk, and covered Zhou Nana's nose again.

As soon as Nangong Yuheng got off the plane, he received a call from his subordinate that Zhou Nana had disappeared.

When he woke up in the morning, Nangong Yuheng's eyelids kept twitching. He was restless and asked for leave to return to Jiangcheng. He didn't expect such a thing to be waiting for him.

Nangong Yuheng hurried to the gym, and led his men to turn upside down the commercial center where the gym was located, but Zhou Nana was never found.

He had to accept the reality that Zhou Nana was no longer in the business center.

His eyes were red, burning with rage.

Who the hell, who kidnapped Zhou Nana?
"Go back and rest!"

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the night was getting darker and darker. Nangong Yuheng looked almost crazy, even his subordinates couldn't stand it, and they tried to persuade him again and again.

During the extraordinary period, Nangong Yuheng didn't feel tired at all.

He said firmly, "I won't rest until I find Nana."

It's not an option to continue searching in the commercial center. Nangong Yuheng asked people to search extensively in Jiangcheng.

He drove out by himself, even if he was lucky, he would not let himself stop, keep busy, or he would collapse.

The phone rang suddenly, and Nangong Yuheng answered it quickly.

The subordinates looked through all the surveillance cameras in the commercial center and finally found clues. Nangong Yuheng immediately drove to the outskirts of the city to look for the suspicious garbage truck.

He didn't dare to be negligent in the slightest. He threw his mobile phone on the passenger seat and drove wildly. He arrived in 10 minutes from the original 10-minute journey, and he didn't care about being photographed for speeding on the road.

Nangong Yuheng found the garbage truck in the abandoned warehouse. It was midsummer, and the garbage truck was full of rotten food residues, and the stench was overwhelming.

Nangong Yuheng only cared about Zhou Nana's safety and didn't care about other things at all.

He opened the door of the garbage truck and jumped in. The stench made him unable to open his eyes, but he didn't stop his movements.

Nangong Yuheng found a nearly new sneaker in the garbage truck. He recognized the sneaker. Zhou Nana also had the same pair. He bought it for her before she gave birth.

"Nana..." Nangong Yuheng jumped out of the garbage truck with his shoes in his arms.

He is a clean freak, his body is dirty and smelly at this time, but he doesn't care at all.

(End of this chapter)

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