Chapter 1846
As proud as myself, I will end up in the same fate I didn't want today. Even revenge, I can't be completely ruthless, but I shed tears again!
Quan Yashi, you are really a bitch!
Secretly scolding herself, she is really cheap, so cheap that even she despises herself.

This man doesn't want you, but you still think about him, convincing yourself to forgive him time and time again.

However, as deep as the love was at the beginning, the hatred is as strong as it is now.

She hated him, forced herself to remember her hatred, and buried her love deeply.

Everything he did to her should be doubled, and the interest must also be charged.

She stood up, gritted her teeth and kicked his thigh. Her foot had no strength, and she didn't feel much when it landed on his leg. It didn't even hurt.

"Yiwei..." Ji Yunyi mumbled in his sleep, turned over, and didn't know anything in a daze.

Quan Yashi squatted beside him, and looked at him carefully, but she couldn't get enough of him.

It was seen in the eyes, imprinted in the mind, and engraved in the bottom of my heart.

Quan Yashi looked at Ji Yunyi's contented sleeping face, as if she was stung by a poisonous scorpion, it was very painful, very painful, and immediately swelled up numbly.

He is poisonous!

The poison that cannot be eradicated, the toxin has been left in the body, and she is so painful that she just wants to cry.

All along, Quan Yashi thought that she was a strong person, but when she met him, no matter how strong a person was, she became the tenderness in his palm. If she loves and gives without expecting anything in return, she can never get anything back.

Who can understand the pain in her heart, knowing that this is destined to be a road of no return, but she chooses to keep going.

"Yunyi..." Softly calling the name that made her dream, her heart twitched with pain.

Seemingly hearing Quan Yashi's call, Ji Yunyi curled his lips and responded in a low voice: "Mmm..."

The palm rested on his chest, and his strong chest beat in her palm.

"Yunyi, I hate you...I love you more..." she murmured.

Quan Yashi closed her eyes and smelled him, everything should be over, she did what she wanted to do, and it was time to seek justice for herself.

How much weight does that woman named Yiwei hold in his heart?

There is no way to know, and there is no way to prove it, but she is very clear about one thing, it must be of extraordinary importance, otherwise, he would not repeat that name over and over again.

Quan Yashi gritted her teeth and turned her face away. She didn't want to look at it anymore, so she calmed down, got out of bed, and took out her phone.

"Come on, we're done."

There was a burst of cheers on the other end of the phone. Although I couldn't see it in person, I could imagine how impatient those women were, scrambling to go upstairs.

She put on a tight dress, tied her hair back up, and regained her mature and enchanting skills.

Sitting on the sofa by the window, he took out a cigarette from his bag and lit it.

He moved the cigarette elegantly between the slender jade fingers, and through the layers of white smoke rings, through the misty smoke, he stared deeply at the sleeping person on the bed.

Ji Yunyi, don't blame me, enjoy yourself tonight, you deserve it.

Before a cigarette was exhausted, there were messy footsteps and charming laughter outside the door.

Here they come!

Sure enough, the knock on the door rang very quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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