Chapter 1864 Follow him forever

Not wanting to talk nonsense with the security guard, Ji Yunyi waved his hand: "Go, I'll see for myself."

"Yes, Mr. Ji, please take a look."

As if the security guard had been granted amnesty, he trotted away, bumped into his colleague, and was grabbed: "What are those two people doing? How could you let them in."

"Hush." ​​The security guard's frightened face hadn't returned to color, and he looked back guiltily to make sure they had gone far, then lowered his voice and said, "That's Mr. Ji."

"Mr. Ji? Did he say he was Mr. Ji or Mr. Ji? Are you sure?"

The security guard stretched his neck to look at the backs of the two who were going away, but it was too dark to see clearly.

"Of course I'm sure, ordinary people don't have Mr. Ji's aura, it must be him, and it can't be wrong."

The security guard wiped the sweat from his forehead, his heart was still beating.

If he offends Mr. Ji, he won't want to continue working in the hotel, and he can pack up and leave as soon as possible.

Fortunately, fortunately, Mr. Ji didn't make things difficult for him.

"I want to go back." Ye Yiwei struggled to back away, walking on the white carpet surrounded by flowers, she felt that she was about to suffocate, all her nose could smell the strong aroma of roses.

I never knew that this aroma could also make people feel uncomfortable. I patted my chest, and it was so difficult to breathe.

"Don't go." He refused in a cold voice, dragging her forward, getting closer and closer to the huge arch made of roses.

"Your marriage is your business. Why do you pull me over and let me go back?"

She tried hard to break the big hand that was holding her.

I hate him so much, are you showing off to her?
She is not envious at all, because in the near future, she will also have her own wedding. Although it is not as luxurious as this, it is definitely unforgettable.

"The more you don't want to come, the more I want to bring you here."

Ji Yunyi's arrogance makes people grit their teeth and make people angry.

He clearly remembered the word "resolute" on the phone. What right did she have to refuse him?

Ye Yiwei glared at his back: "It's really unreasonable."

Walking under the arch in one breath, tens of thousands of roses are extraordinarily enchanting under the moonlight.

They come, the security.

Ye Yiwei calmed down and looked at what he wanted to do.

Stopping in his tracks, he turned to face her, looked into her clear eyes, and asked solemnly, "Would you like to follow me forever?"

Ye Yiwei was startled, and stared at him blankly, it was really ironic.

Tomorrow, his wedding will be held here, and he and Bai Muxue will say those three words in front of the priest - "I am willing."

But at this time, he asked her if she would like to follow him for the rest of her life.

Think she's out of her mind?
Ye Yiwei refused without thinking, "I don't want to."

What she wants is to stay together for a lifetime, even if marriage is the tomb of love, she has to die in marriage, instead of being a lonely ghost, unable to find her own belonging for the rest of her life.

"I can grant you any wish."

He was not surprised that she would refuse, but it would be strange if she agreed.

In his eyes, is she someone who can be bought with material things?

any wishes?

He couldn't satisfy her wish.

So all her wishes never included him.

Only by leaving him far away can you realize your wish.

Suddenly her nose was sore and she had the urge to cry. This man she had loved for so many years was just a floating cloud after all.

There is not only a gap in status between the two of them, but also a rift in thought.

(End of this chapter)

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