Chapter 1875 Misfortune
In a panic, Bai Muxue bumped into a person, and grabbed her arm tightly with both hands. She struggled desperately in shock, and let go of her voice to call for help: "Help, help, help..."

A thick hand covered her mouth.

"Woooo..." She resisted vigorously, but was dragged by the man into the woods.

She smelled the pungent smell of alcohol and the disgustingly strong body odor. She stared at the man with wide eyes, but found that he was wearing a mask on his head, so she couldn't see him at all.

"Ah..." With all his strength, the man threw Bai Muxue to the ground full of dead leaves, grabbed her face with one hand, and stuffed the tissue he had prepared into her mouth.

She dodged left and right, but her face was pinched in pain, and she still didn't escape the fate of her mouth being blocked. She already understood what was going to happen, and the only thing she could think of was death. After being insulted like this, let her die.

At this time, another person came, that person was still holding a rope, the two hurriedly tied up Bai Muxue's hands, and then began to take off her pants.

She doesn't, don't...

Bai Muxue kicked and struggled vigorously, but those two thick and thick men forced her to pull down her pants.

As the moonlight fell, Bai Muxue's body was extremely alluring.

The two men swallowed, and rushed forward impatiently, one pressed Bai Muxue's leg, and the other rushed forward impatiently.

Do not……

help, help me...

Crying silently in her heart, she was completely desperate.

Bai Muxue thought she was dead, until the person on her body finished venting and replaced with another person, she had already turned around outside the gate of hell and came back.

Why do this to her?

It was supposed to be an extremely happy wedding night, but it made her suffer misfortune.

Where are you, Yun Yi, come and save me, save me...

The tears are dry!
Bai Muxue stared blankly at the sky, numbly enduring the crazy impact.

She really wanted to die, and if she died, she would no longer feel pain.

It was not until dawn that the two of them let the dying Bai Muxue go.

Those two people cleaned up the scene, untied the rope, and took out the tissues that blocked Bai Muxue's mouth. With these incriminating evidence, the two walked away satisfied.

Bai Muxue lay down for a long time.

The dawn mist spread over her face, and it was icy cold, which allowed her to recover a little from the chaotic state.

Sitting up from the ground with difficulty, her body hurts, but it is far less painful than her heart.

Step by step, she walked very slowly, walking towards the lake, she wanted to be relieved, not to use this dirty body to face the world and the one she loved.

The water was bitingly cold, but there was a hopeless smile on her pale face.

The cold water covered her head all the way, and the overwhelming water poured into her ears.

She held her breath instinctively, and continued to sink, she was going to sink into hell, even if she was a ghost, she would not spare anyone who hurt her.

But no matter how she sinks, there will always be a force to lift her to the surface of the water.

Don't let her die?
Living in pain is worse than dying.

Unable to hold his breath, he exhaled, and a steady stream of water poured into Bai Muxue's lungs.

In an instant, she lost consciousness, and only felt a hand grabbing her in a hazy moment, pulling her to fly to heaven.

So dirty, can you go to heaven?
When Bai Muxue woke up from the coma, what she saw was a strange face full of surprises: "Are you awake?"

(End of this chapter)

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