Chapter 1877
Hearing this, Bai Muxue was startled, her hands shook, and some of the water in the water glass spilled on the quilt.

She shook her head anxiously: "No, don't tell them, I don't want them to know about it."

"Okay then." The man nodded.

After pondering for a moment, Bai Muxue looked at the man with a friendly face and said, "May I trouble you with something?"

"What's the matter, you said."

"I want to borrow your cell phone to make a call."

"Okay, take it." The man put the phone next to the hospital bed, and retreated out tactfully.

With trembling hands, she picked up the phone and put it down again. She couldn't muster up the courage to dial the familiar number.

She really wanted to hear his voice, maybe her heart wouldn't hurt like this again.

Finally, the phone was dialed, and the familiar voice came to my ears.

"Hello, who is it?"

Before she could speak, she hung up hastily.

Tears poured down again.

She hates it so much.

What did she do wrong, why did she do this to her!

Tears were falling, she didn't have the courage to talk to him, hearing his voice, her heart ached.

Wiping away her tears, Bai Muxue kept telling herself that no matter how great the pain was, she had to endure it, and she had to live bravely, not for herself, but also for the love of her parents.

The phone rang at this moment.

My heart skipped a beat, my eyes were blurred with tears, I looked at the flashing phone number on it, it was so familiar.

Throwing the phone on the bed, not daring to pick it up.

She didn't want to destroy her image in Yun Yi's heart. If he found out, he would hate her from the bottom of his heart. She didn't want her, and what he wanted him to remember forever was the most innocent her.

With a low choked sob, he suppressed the cry from overflowing his mouth.

Heart, it hurts, it hurts.

Seeing the nutrient solution flowing into the blood vessel drop by drop on her hand, Bai Muxue's heart slowly calmed down.

Since she is not dead, she must live bravely.

The phone was still ringing, but she didn't answer it, she fell back on the bed, covered her head with the quilt, and didn't think about anything.

She wants to sleep well.

Maybe when she wakes up, she will find that this is just a dream, she is lying in Yun Yi's warm arms, enjoying his care.

The door opened, and the person standing outside heard the persistent ringing of the mobile phone and walked in, picked up the mobile phone.

"Don't answer." With a hoarse voice, Bai Muxue begged in a low voice: "Just pretend you didn't hear it, and don't answer."

The man glanced at Bai Muxue, then looked at the number on the phone, and nodded, but he didn't intend to answer it either.

It was a call for her, and he had no right to answer it.

Sitting on the chair by the bed, playing with the cell phone that kept ringing, finally, the cell phone stopped ringing, and the peace and tranquility returned to the ward.

"Are you hungry? What do you want to eat? I'll go buy it?" She had been in a coma all morning on the hospital bed. She should have been hungry. Her face was so pale, which made people feel uncomfortable.

"I'm not hungry and I don't want to eat anything."

With her current mood, it's not bad to be able to drink water, where she still has the appetite to eat. Her heart is too heavy, and she can't accept this reality for a while. All her good wishes will be completely wiped out within a day.

Weddings, cancellations, wedding nights, mishaps.

She has never done anything to hurt others, but why does God treat her like this? Is it satisfied to see her in pain.

Tears fell and reflected on the pillow cover, soaking it all up, full of her desperate sorrow.

Yunyi, Yunyi...

(End of this chapter)

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