Chapter 1897
She had never talked to him like this before. Why did the girl who had always been gentle and graceful suddenly change?
Although she didn't say anything, he already felt her pain.

If her pain comes from him, let him deal with it.

Ji Yunyi grabbed a corner of the quilt, pulled it off vigorously, and finally saw her.

Because of crying and lack of oxygen, Bai Muxue's pale face was red and swollen.

Crying into tears.

The cover on her body was gone, Bai Muxue met his eyes in surprise, her face looked like she had seen a ghost and panicked, she lowered her head, sobbing suppressedly, and kept wiping away the tears from her face.

"Mu Xue, what happened, tell me."

Ji Yunyi looked at her distressedly, reached out to pat her on the shoulder, but she dodged her hand, stopped in mid-air, and retracted in embarrassment.

After calming down, she pretended to be calm and said, "It's nothing, you can go now! I'll be discharged home tomorrow."

It's okay for him to come alone. If his parents know that she committed suicide and was admitted to the hospital, they will definitely be very worried.

Bai Muxue asked in surprise: "You didn't tell my parents, did you? They don't know yet, do they?"

Ji Yunyi shook his head: "They probably don't know yet, I came here directly and didn't tell them."

"Promise me, don't tell them, I will go home obediently tomorrow, and I will never do anything stupid again."

Looking at his handsome face, with concern in his deep eyes, like a painkiller, Bai Muxue felt that her pain was a little less, and she was also a little stronger.

Ji Yunyi raised his hand and wiped away the teardrop that had just rolled down her cheek, on his fingertips, glittering and translucent.

He fixedly looked into her eyes, and his voice was as gentle as if it was about to melt: "Mu Xue, I don't need to tell my uncle and aunt, but you have to tell me, what happened? Is there someone..."

He couldn't say the following words, starting from the bottom of his heart, he hoped that he was just worrying too much, so that such a tragic thing would definitely not happen to her.

The innocent smiling face no longer exists, replaced by endless pain.

Ever since she didn't want to see him, this guess appeared in her mind and couldn't get rid of it.

She stared at him blankly, shook her head like crazy, and shouted: "No, no, no one..."

The out-of-control emotions were like a flood that burst a bank, drowning her reason.

She wanted to die.

He saw right through her at a glance, and couldn't hide anything, couldn't hide any secrets.


Bai Muxue's painful and desperate cries echoed in the silent hospital building.

Those who hear it will also feel sad and sigh for the tragic fate of this girl.

Ji Yunyi realized in a daze that things were really as he had guessed.

He shouldn't have asked, it touched the pain in Bai Muxue's heart, and made her so sad.

Ji Yunyi took her into his arms and patted her on the back lightly, trying to calm her broken emotions.

"Yunyi, Yunyi..."

Bai Muxue buried her head in Ji Yunyi's chest.

She cried out his name, and only he could relieve the pain in her heart.

"I'm here, I'm here, don't cry, don't cry... I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

Ji Yunyi murmured an apology, apologizing for the suffering she suffered, everything was caused by him, and also apologizing for the sad things he caused her, he shouldn't sprinkle salt on her wounds.

"Why didn't you let me die, why did you save me...Yunyi...I..."

I have no face to see you, let alone let you know what happened.

(End of this chapter)

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