Chapter 1900

An Shasha couldn't see anyone after get off work, and she occasionally appeared to go back to get something.

Come and go quickly.

Her love is sweet, and she can't wait to stick with Dr. Wu all day long.

Seeing her nourished by love, as beautiful as a peach or plum, I really envy others.

Ye Yiwei took out the wallet from the bag, and there were photos of her and Meng Zhanyang taken together in it.

The two stood side by side, smiling silly, looking at it, it was actually pretty good.

Feelings can be cultivated slowly, and she will definitely fall in love with him. Such a gentle and considerate man is also worthy of her love.

Ji Yunyi... Forget it, she can't afford to be hurt anymore.

After get off work, Ye Yiwei walked out of the company, and a very eye-catching Lamborghini was parked at the door of the company, which was exactly the same as Ji Yunyi's car, maybe it was his car.

Pretending not to see, Ye Yiwei hurried home with her head buried.

The car drove quietly beside her, almost parallel to her.

Feeling the urgent eyes staring at her closely, Ye Yiwei felt uncomfortable.

He didn't even make a phone call, what are you doing now?
Doesn't he even have time to call?

Speeding up her pace, she tried her best to ignore his existence.

Ji Yunyi sat in the car, silently looking at Ye Yiwei.

Obviously, she was rejecting him again.

He wanted to get out of the car to explain, but he didn't know how to start.

Can't tell about Mu Xue, tell her directly and forget everything I said last night?
He will not marry her, nor can he marry her.

He hated himself deeply.

I don't want to argue with her on the street, I need two people to talk quietly if I have something to say.

He silently followed her all the way, and when he saw her enter the underground supermarket by the roadside, he parked the car and followed her in, looking for her shadow in the huge supermarket.

I finally found her, shopping for vegetables in the fresh produce area.

Ji Yunyi panted heavily and walked over, taking the basket in her hand.

Without looking up, she knew it was him, tugged, let go, and continued to pick tomatoes seriously.

“Let’s cook egg noodles tonight!”

He wanted to eat her cooked noodles again, maybe, he would never eat it again.

She was noncommittal, picked a few tomatoes and put them in the basket, and went to choose spinach. Ji Yunyi took a box of eggs and put them in the basket, and followed her quietly.

I really don't want to talk to him, but he is as clingy as brown sugar, and I can't shake him off.

Wherever she went, he followed her, and he didn't talk much, just followed her silently.

You can tell at a glance that he has a ghost in his heart.

It is impossible for such a domineering man to suddenly change his gender.

The shopping was almost finished, and the two walked to the cashier together.

It was the rush hour for getting off work, and there was a long queue in front of every cash register. Ji Yunyi was at the end of a line carrying a basket, while Ye Yiwei walked out directly from the shopping aisle.

Ji Yunyi wanted to call her to wait for him.

But he opened his mouth and didn't make a sound. He just watched her walk by, get on the elevator, and then disappeared without a trace.

He hurriedly took out his mobile phone and called her. The mechanical female voice on the phone told him: "The user you dialed is currently on the phone..."

This happened several times in a row.

Only then did he realize that she had set his number into the blacklist again.


Changed the number and dialed it, and it was connected immediately.

Maybe it was him who called, but she didn't answer it for a long, long time.

Keep calling without giving up until she answers the phone.

The long queue finally came to an end, and the person on the other end of the phone answered the call.

(End of this chapter)

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