Chapter 816 Assassination ([-])

"What's the matter?" Seeing Nangong Yuheng's terrified eyes, a bad premonition enveloped Zhou Nana instantly.

"My dad had a sudden cerebral congestion and went to the hospital."

"Ah? Which hospital, let's go there quickly."

The two didn't even bother to eat, paid the bill and left.

Nangong Yuheng's father has high blood pressure and must take antihypertensive drugs every day to control his blood pressure. Today, he suffered from cerebral hemorrhage in the cell, and the doctor is emergency rescue.

Nangong Yuheng rushed to the hospital with Zhou Nana, and Nangong's mother was crying in tears while sitting outside the operating room.

"Mom, don't cry, Dad will be fine." Nangong Yuheng patted his mother on the back to comfort her.

"Yuheng, your dad must have forgotten to take the antihypertensive medicine. He always doesn't care about his body. When I was at home, I had to remind him to take the medicine every day. Now I'm inside, no one reminds me, so I definitely don't remember to take it... ... woo woo..."

Nangong's mother cried with snot and tears.

Even Nangong Yuheng's eyes were red.

For so many years, the relationship between father and son has been very tense. Nangong Yuheng thought that he didn't care about the old man's life or death at all, but when something happened to the old man, he realized that he was not as calm as he showed.

Zhou Nana wiped away her tears and sat beside Nangong Yuheng, praying for his father.

There were three prison guards guarding the door of the operating room, each with a cold face as if they were facing an enemy.

Nangong Furen's surgery lasted three hours before it ended.

The doctor who performed the operation told them that no antihypertensive drugs were found in the blood of the old man, and it was preliminarily inferred that it was cerebral hemorrhage caused by high blood pressure.

The doctor repeatedly told me that I must take antihypertensive drugs every day to avoid relapse.

Nangong Furen was lying on the hospital bed with a bandage on his head, his face was as pale as paper, and he looked lifeless.

From being arrested to being sentenced to prison, Nangong Furen looked much older in just a few months, and his hair was all white.

In the past, the bright eyes were closed tightly, and the whole body could not see the slightest expression.

Nangong Yuheng raised his head and opened his eyes wide, not letting the tears fall.

Zhou Nana held his hand and patted it lightly.

"Furen, Furen, wake up, look at me, Furen..."

Nangong's mother stood by the hospital bed and called her dearest husband, tears pouring out like spring water.

Although she and Nangong Furen had an arranged marriage, they have been loving each other for 40 years.

Nangong Furen is a restrained man, he can't speak nice words, and he is very masculine in his usual actions, but he has always cared for her.

"Mom, Dad's operation was successful. He must be tired. Let him rest for a while, and you too!" Zhou Nana wiped away the tears on Nangong's mother's face with a tissue, and poured her a glass of water to drink.

Mother Nangong drank the water, and under Zhou Nana's comfort, her emotions gradually calmed down.

Nangong Yuheng's older brothers and sisters were all serving in military regions in other places, and they couldn't make it back for a while, so it fell on Zhou Nana's shoulders to appease Nangong's mother.

Nangong's mother talked a lot about her past with Nangong's father. The military marriage is not romantic, but she does not regret marrying Nangong's father.

After chatting with Nangong's mother for a long time, Zhou Nana looked up to find Nangong Yuheng, and was surprised to find that he had disappeared.

She didn't even know when he left the ward.

Nangong Yuheng, with red eyes, stood in the middle of the garden and made a phone call.

He angrily questioned the person on the other end of the phone: "You said my dad took medicine on time every day, why did he have a sudden cerebral hemorrhage? The doctor said he didn't take medicine at all."

(End of this chapter)

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