Chapter 818 Assassination ([-])

With a sharp pain in the neck, the person on the bed suddenly woke up, saw the black figure in front of him, and shouted: "Save..."

Before the word "fate" could be uttered, a ball of newspaper was stuffed into his mouth.

Nangong Yuheng said in a low voice: "I won't kill you, you just need to answer my question, nod and shake your head."

"Oh no!" The man nodded in fright.

"Did you do something for someone to get out of prison early?" Nangong Yuheng's voice was full of danger.

The man was about to shake his head, when Nangong Yuheng tightened his hand against his neck: "You'd better think clearly before answering!"

"Hmm..." The man's eyes widened, but he didn't dare to shake his head, let alone nod.

"Say!" The deterrent force is full.

The man thought for a long time, and finally nodded sadly.

He was also a ministerial official who was imprisoned for corruption and was sentenced to 20 years. After Nangong Yuheng's father was imprisoned, he lived in the same cell as him.

Originally, he still had ten years in prison, but he was released early a few days ago.

At that time, it did not attract Nangong Yuheng's attention.

Something happened to his father today, and Nangong Yuheng thought of him belatedly, feeling extremely annoyed.

Nangong Yuheng asked again: "Did you replace Nangong Furen's antihypertensive medicine?"

That person also guessed Nangong Yuheng's identity. Although he didn't know what happened, he knew that something happened to Nangong Furen from the fierce look on his face.

The man muttered for a long time before saying in a vague voice: " sorry..."

Although he hadn't lived with Nangong Furen for a long time and hadn't had much contact with him before, he respected Nangong Furen.

His name is Wang Haiqing. He was the deputy mayor of the capital. He was imprisoned for taking bribes. His wife and children have fled abroad. He wanted to reunite with his family, so he accepted this seemingly simple task.

Before doing this, he also struggled, but his conscience could not bear the longing for his family after all.

Shortly after the dressing change, he was released early due to good behavior in prison.

When he was released from prison, he was penniless, but Nangong Furen gave him some money so that he could rent a house temporarily.

Nangong Yuheng never thought of concealing his identity.

He said to Wang Haiqing in a cold voice: "Do me a favor before you go abroad, I promise you can be reunited with your wife and children safely, otherwise..."

"Hmmmm!" Wang Haiqing nodded hurriedly, fearing that Nangong Yuheng would attack him.

"If you dare to report the news, I guarantee that you will not see the sun tomorrow."


Wang Haiqing shook his head vigorously, he didn't dare to report the news, he almost didn't want to live.

Nangong Yuheng withdrew the dagger in satisfaction, told Wang Haiqing a few words, and then warned: "I will send someone to spy on you, don't try to play tricks."

Wang Haiqing pulled out the ball of paper in his mouth, and promised in fear: "Don't dare."

Nangong Yuheng left Chengzhong Village and returned home.

It was already early morning, but Zhou Nana was still awake and still waiting for him.

Hearing the sound of the car, Zhou Nana's tense nerves relaxed.

Putting on his coat and going downstairs, he hugged Nangong Yuheng who had returned from wearing stars and wearing moons in his arms in the living room.

"You are finally back."

Every time he didn't return late at night, she would be very worried, afraid that something would happen to him.

Although she is usually careless and doesn't seem to care about anything, whenever Nangong Yuheng goes out, she will feel restless.

Nangong Yuheng touched her head, and asked softly, "Why haven't you slept yet?"

Zhou Nana raised her face and looked at him sadly: "I won't be able to sleep until you come back."

(End of this chapter)

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