Chapter 820 Assassination ([-])

It was late at night, and there was no one walking in the corridor except for the occasional rounds of medical staff.

Nangong Yuheng was taking a shower in the bathroom, and a doctor walked into the ward quietly.

He's holding a tray with a booster in it.

A strong heart is a life-saving magic weapon for patients on the verge of death.

The doctor stood beside the hospital bed, took a deep breath, calmly took Nangong Furen's hand, and prepared to inject the cardiotonic needle into Nangong Furen's body.

Injected from the arm, the effect will be slower, which can give him enough buffer time.

The doctor's hand holding the needle was suddenly grabbed.

He raised his eyes in astonishment, and saw Nangong Furen, who had been in a coma for five days on the hospital bed, staring at him with wide eyes.

"What are you doing?" Nangong Furen was not angry but powerful, his voice was as loud as a bell.

Nangong Yuheng immediately ran out of the bathroom, he was fully dressed, he didn't look like he just took a shower, and there wasn't even a drop of water on his hair.

The doctor was captured, and after a short period of panic, he quickly calmed down: "The patient's heartbeat was very slow just now, and I will give him a booster."

"Slow heartbeat? Where is it slow? Don't you know that my father has high blood pressure?"

Nangong Yuheng immediately called the prison guard guarding his father, claiming that someone was going to murder his father.

After a while, the director of the department and the dean all came.

The doctor was so frightened that his legs went limp, and he was taken back for interrogation by the police who arrived.

At the beginning, the doctor insisted that he did not murder Nangong Furen, but the evidence of his accepting bribes was quickly presented, and he couldn't help but deny it.

He confessed that the man who had let him do it was a health ministry official, who was promptly arrested.

The official took all the blame on himself.

No matter how the police interrogated him, he only said that he had a problem with Nangong Furen, so he did this.

Nangong Yuheng quickly spread the matter, and the news of his father's murder finally reached Mr. President's ears.

For someone to attack an old man who has been dismissed, powerless and critically ill, there must be some ulterior secret.

Mr. President personally approved the retrial of Nangong Furen's murder case.

Nangong Yuheng was waiting for this day, his eyes were red, and he said to his father who was still unable to speak in the hospital bed: "Dad, I will definitely reverse the case for you."

In fact, Nangong Furen woke up as early as the second day after the operation.

Nangong Yuheng conspired with him to lure Gu Zhengming to kill him again.

Finally, there was no danger, and the date of the court session was set after the year.

Three days before the new year, Lu Mufeng finally rushed to the capital with his two children and mother Lu to celebrate the new year with Qi Yuxi.

Mr. President sent someone to pick them up at the airport.

In Mr. President's private mansion, Lu Mufeng saw Ye Zhenting again, and he looked much more energetic than when he was in Jiangcheng for treatment.

Mother Lu exclaimed: "Wow, I finally saw the real president."

"Is there a fake me?" Ye Zhenting smiled, gentle and refined.

Mother Lu blushed, and said embarrassedly: "No, I mean, I saw it on TV and newspapers before, and this is the first time I saw a real person."

"Mr. President, where is my wife?"

Not being able to see Qi Yuxi in the first place, Lu Mufeng's heart was empty, and he was out of his mind.

Mr. President said: "Xixi is sick, rest in the room, I will take you to see her, don't worry, it's just a cold, not serious, just rest more, she is indeed too tired these days."

Hearing that Qi Yuxi was ill, Lu Mufeng rushed upstairs regardless of the rules.

Shouting while running: "Yu Xi, Yu Xi..."

(End of this chapter)

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