Chapter 925 Petting You Without Discussion ([-])
"Little wolf dog is a little boy."

Thinking that the President may not have heard of this new term, Mother Lu kindly explained it.

It's okay if you don't explain it, but once you explain it, the president's face turns dark.

Compared with the little boy...he would rather compare with the dog.

Mother Lu saw that his face was not good-looking, so she gave a dry laugh: "Hehe, it's actually very popular to raise little fair-faced people now. My poker friends all raise them, and they even persuaded me to raise them, but I'm not interested in little fresh meat."

Although those little fresh meats are handsome and sweet, they are all for money, and she feels sick when she thinks about it.

Not to mention raising it, even looking at it feels dirty to the eyes.

"Then what are you interested in?" Ye Zhenting asked through gritted teeth.

"I like mature, stable, and personable men." Lu's mother took a peek at Ye Zhenting and said in her heart, that's what you are.

"Oh." Ye Zhenting straightened his spine subconsciously: "Do you think that I am mature, stable and personable?"

Lu's mother suppressed a smile, with a disapproving expression: "I don't think so."

"No vision." Ye Zhenting glanced at her, with a smile that couldn't be concealed on his lips.

"What, narcissist." Lu's mother was angry and funny, she turned her head to look out the window, ignoring Ye Zhenting.

Back at the Presidential Palace, Ye Zhenting went to work in the study, while Lu's mother was in the courtyard to get acquainted with the environment.

Seeing her, Nangong Yuheng narrowed his eyes with a smile: "Auntie, I will call you the President's wife in the future."

"What Mrs. President, don't talk nonsense!"

Lu's mother was secretly happy in her heart, but she had an unhappy expression on her face: "Auntie is not a little girl who likes to daydream. Yu Xi asked me to come and take care of her father's daily food. I will go back in a few days."

Nangong Yuheng teased: "Auntie, you have come here, so you can stay for a while. You and Mr. President are both single and about the same age. I think you are quite suitable."

"What's suitable? It's suitable. Mr. President has such good conditions, and no one dares to say 'no' to the little girl he is looking for."

In Lu's mother's view, men like young girls.

No matter you are still 80 years old, you will love the young and beautiful girl.

She is already old and pale, and she is not good enough for Mr. President. It is better to stop daydreaming.

Nangong Yuheng disagreed: "Mr. President is not that kind of person."

"That's because you don't understand him." Mother Lu muttered dissatisfied.

In the past, she thought Mr. President was a modest gentleman, but in the end... oh, oh, oh, his ability to torment people is top-notch, and he almost tortured her to death yesterday.

Mr. President is just an ordinary man!
Lu's mother sighed in her heart, her face was flushed, and her brows were full of love. Nangong Yuheng took a panoramic view of her reaction and secretly smiled.

Mr. President, the dead wood is finally in the spring, gratifying to congratulate!

Thinking that Yan Junlin stayed by Mr. President's side for nearly 30 years, tried all the tricks, but in the end she still failed to get the love of Mr. President. In the end, she tied herself in a cocoon and died under the gun of Mr. President.

Facts have proved that it is your inability to escape, not your inability to force it.

Nangong Yuheng is very optimistic about Lu's mother and Mr. President, and their personalities are also suitable. In addition to the relationship between Lu Mufeng and Qi Yuxi, the two are even closer, which is very good.

In the afternoon, Ye Zhenting was going to meet with the Prime Minister of Country M, and left after lunch. Mama Lu was too bored in the presidential palace alone, wandering around.

There was a studio in the corner of the first floor, and she wandered into it.

Seeing the paintings hanging on the wall, she was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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