Chapter 933 A Woman With Evil Hearts ([-])

"If you talk nonsense again, I'll get angry." Qi Yuxi pouted and glared at Lu Mufeng.

"It's cuter when you're angry."

He smiled and bit her small mouth: "I want fast food."

"do not want!"


"do not want!"


Lu Mufeng didn't want to talk nonsense with Qi Yuxi any more, so he took off her pants and put her into formation on the spot.

Meeting such a shameless man, Qi Yuxi had no place to cry.

Although it was eating fast food, Qi Yuxi almost fainted from exhaustion. She had a hunch that she would sleep for a long time on the way to Chuanshui County.

Lu Mufeng not only took Qi Yuxi to experience the soft big bed of the caravan, but also took her to experience the solar water heater that comes with the caravan, which is no different from taking a bath at home.

After tossing, go to eat.

Deng Yueze waited in the restaurant until all the flowers withered.

Fortunately, Jiang Hua arranged lunch for him, otherwise it would be even more inhumane to wait hungry.

Qi Yuxi's stomach was already growling with hunger, but fortunately the food was served quickly enough, so she quickly finished the fish soup to fill her stomach.

In order to see her off, Lu Mufeng specially ordered the kitchen to prepare a large table of dishes, even if ten people came, they couldn't finish it.

Qi Yuxi lamented that it was too wasteful, and stuffed it into her mouth vigorously. Her fighting power was limited, and she tried her best, but there was still a lot of food left.

She really wanted to take away the leftovers, but Lu Mufeng said that the leftovers would produce nitrite, which would be bad for her health, so she was not allowed to take them away.

Qi Yuxi could only finish the soup to completely fill up the space in his stomach.

It was time to leave for Chuanshui County, and Lu Mufeng sent ten bodyguards to escort Qi Yuxi.

Qi Yuxi doesn't like to be too ostentatious. The bodyguards pretend to be passers-by to protect her secretly, and won't stand by her side all the time to make her feel disgusted.

There was a dedicated driver driving a caravan, Deng Yueze was taken to the bodyguard's car, and Qi Yuxi was just eating and drinking enough to take a nap.

We arrived in Chuanshui County at ten o'clock in the evening.

Chuanshui County is sandwiched between two mountains, and there is a river in the middle, named Chuanshui River, from which the county got its name.

There are almost no high-rise buildings in the entire county, and the houses are not high and relatively dilapidated. It is a well-known poverty-stricken county in the country.

The county leaders and the school leaders of the Love School went to the highway intersection to welcome Qi Yuxi together, and even put up a banner saying "Welcome the first daughter to Chuanshui County".

After the welcoming ceremony, someone specially sent Qi Yuxi to stay in the most upscale hotel in Chuanshui County.

Although it is the most upscale hotel in Chuanshui County, its grade is only three stars, and the accommodation conditions are not as comfortable as that of a caravan.

Only Qi Yuxi and her entourage lived on the entire first floor.

Each exit is guarded 24 hours a day to ensure her safety.

He didn't have a particularly strong feeling in Jiangcheng before, but when he came to Chuanshui County, Qi Yuxi felt that he was different from before.

Looking at the county leaders and school leaders who were carefully smiling, she was a little embarrassed.

The title of "The First Daughter" weighed heavily on her head.

It was already eleven o'clock at night when we settled down at the hotel.

Qi Yuxi and Lu Mufeng started a video chat.

Lu Mufeng just took a shower, without even clothes on, so he leaned on the bed and made a video call with her.

Through the video, Qi Yuxi saw Lu Mufeng's well-developed chest muscles and perfect eight-pack abs, swallowed, and said worriedly: "You should stay away from those women when I'm not at home, you understand?"

"I know, I've been far away from them."

Within three meters around Lu Mufeng, no one of the opposite sex other than Qi Yuxi would approach.

The two were talking, when Qi Yuxi heard a knock on the door from the other end of the phone.

 My dears, happy May Day, summer and summer are all code words on May Day, dear friends, don’t forget to vote for Xia Xia, I love you, huh!
(End of this chapter)

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