The sky-high cute baby, the president's daddy delivered it to the door

Chapter 944 With you here, I am not afraid of anything

Chapter 944 With you here, I'm not afraid of anything ([-])
It wasn't a hallucination, she got up quickly and ran towards the river.

She ran and shouted: "Mu Feng, Mu Feng, is that you, have you come to pick me up?"

Qi Yuxi ran to the river in one breath, and sure enough, he saw lights flickering on the other side of the river.

"Yu Xi!"


Hearing Lu Mufeng's voice, Qi Yuxi couldn't restrain her excitement, covered her mouth and cried.

He's finally here...

"Yu Xi, are you okay?" Lu Mufeng asked anxiously.

"I'm fine, I'm not hurt, how do you know I'm here?"

"Did you spell the word Mu?"

"It's me, I knew, you will find me."

Seeing that Lu Mufeng wanted to swim across the river to meet him, Qi Yuxi quickly stopped him: "Go over there, there is a suspension bridge, you come over from the suspension bridge."

"Be careful, the mud is slippery, don't fall." Qi Yuxi led him towards the suspension bridge.

The bodyguards came quickly, laid planks and steel bars on the bridge, and went to pick Lu Mufeng across the river.

Qi Yuxi wanted to see Lu Mufeng immediately, so he went there with the bodyguards.

The suspension bridge shook violently, Qi Yuxi's small body nearly swung into the river several times, and Lu Mufeng's heart almost stopped in fright.

He stared at Qi Yuxi without blinking, and kept telling him, "Be careful, be careful..."

"I'm fine, don't worry." Qi Yuxi clung to the iron cables of the suspension bridge and moved forward slowly.

The distance of less than 30 meters is as long as a century to Lu Mufeng.

Qi Yuxi was getting closer, he couldn't wait to step forward and stretch out his hand: "Jump over, I'll catch you."

"Okay." Qi Yuxi jumped out without hesitation, and crashed into Lu Mufeng's arms.

Lu Mufeng raised his eyebrows and asked, "You miss me that much after we haven't seen each other for a day?"

"What are you thinking? I'm almost dying of thirst. I need you to quench my thirst." Before Qi Yuxi could finish speaking, she fumbled around Lu Mufeng's body: "Quick, is there any water? Hurry up and bring it to me... "

Lu Mufeng smiled, lowered his head and kissed Qi Yuxi's lips, and muttered, "There are."

Finally quenched his thirst, Qi Yuxi hugged Lu Mufeng and acted like a baby in his arms: "Oh, you don't know, the earthquake really scared me to death, I was so worried that I wouldn't be able to go back to see you guys alive."

"Don't say stupid things!" Lu Mufeng scowled.

"I'm worried. If I die and you marry another woman, I don't worry about anything else. I just worry that she will treat Xiaoan and Yiyi badly."

Qi Yuxi twittered, talking so that Lu Mufeng panicked.

Although holding Qi Yuxi in his arms, he has not yet escaped from the panic he had just learned about the earthquake in Chuanshui County.

He was so anxious that he couldn't get through to his phone.

The communication was completely interrupted, and he didn't know what the situation in Chuanshui County was like.

It is not known whether the newly built school can withstand a magnitude [-] earthquake.

He had another thought at the time, if the engineering team who built the school cut corners, he would definitely kill them and bury them with Qi Yuxi.

On the way to Chuanshui County, he called the contractor.

The contractor cursed and vowed to ensure that the quality of the school absolutely meets the national standards. Let alone the tenth grade, even the twelfth grade can pass.

When the earthquake happened, the listing ceremony should not be over yet, as long as the newly built school can withstand a magnitude [-] earthquake, then Qi Yuxi is safe.

(End of this chapter)

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