Chapter 971 She Still Loves Him After All

Those children who lost their parents were poor enough, she had to help them.

There are thousands of orphans under the age of 16 in the entire disaster area. If those orphans lack care and correct guidance, they are likely to become cynical and rebellious youths, which is also a kind of harm to society.

Qi Yuxi drove to a town near Jiangcheng, where she bought emergency contraceptives.

After taking the medicine, she finally felt at ease, and drove back to the city with ease.

Just after entering the city, Qi Yuxi received a call from Ji Yunyi.

"Yu Xi, is it convenient for you now?" His voice was as gentle as ever.

Qi Yuxi replied: "It's convenient, what's the matter?"

"I sorted things out last night and found a lot of things belonging to you and Xiaoan. Where are you, I'll send them to you."

"I'm outside, where are you, I'll go find you!"

"Okay, I'll wait for you in Milan Sunshine, you come here directly."

Milan Sunshine is the neighborhood where Qi Yuxi lived when she first returned to China. After she moved out, Lu Mufeng smashed the place. Ji Yunyi bought furniture again and still lives there.

Qi Yuxi was silent, and said, "You go downstairs in 15 minutes and wait for me at the gate of the community."

What she meant was obvious, she didn't plan to go upstairs to get things, he just took them out.

Ji Yunyi replied disappointedly: "Okay, later."

"see you later."

Qi Yuxi turned a corner at the intersection and drove towards Milan Sunshine.

When she returned to China two years ago, she thought that she would not stay in Jiangcheng for too long.

This city has changed too much, and many of the old streets she is familiar with have been renovated, which is not the hometown she dreams of.

But Jiangcheng has a kind of magical power that attracts her, even if she is far away in a foreign country, she still can't let it go, can't forget it.

Only after she came back did she realize that the magic that grabbed her came from Lu Mufeng, and she still loved him after all.

Hate because of love.

She never really let go of those days and nights of hiding in the United States.

Driving to Milan Sunshine, what happened in these years was like movie clips playing back in Qi Yuxi's mind, seeing Ji Yunyi again, it felt like a lifetime away.

It looks like the two haven't seen each other for more than half a year.

After Ji Yunyi and Zhou Nana broke up, she and Ji Yunyi never saw each other again.

Zhou Nana has loved Ji Yunyi for so many years, and when he gets married, I don't know if Zhou Nana will come back.

Yesterday afternoon, when she called Zhou Nana, Nangong Yuheng was at home, so she didn't mention Ji Yunyi's marriage. Later, she called Zhou Nana again and asked if she would come back.

Ji Yunyi was standing by the side of the road, dressed in a refreshing white sportswear, his facial features were still as handsome as before, but the expression on his face had a slightly forced smile.

"Yu Xi!" Ji Yunyi saw Qi Yuxi's car approaching, and he waved at her.

Seeing Qi Yuxi again, his heart was still surging, he couldn't hold back, his heart beat faster.

Qi Yuxi's car stopped beside Ji Yunyi quietly.

She didn't get out of the car, but stretched out her hand through the car window: "Give it to me, thank you Yun Yi."

Unwillingly, Ji Yunyi handed the bag containing things to Qi Yuxi's hand, and said with a dry smile: "It's still early, why don't we have a cup of coffee, we haven't seen each other for a long time, just chat for a while."

Qi Yuxi put the things on the passenger seat, pondered for a moment and nodded: "Okay."

Ji Yunyi didn't expect anything at first, but Qi Yuxi actually agreed. He was overjoyed, his brows and eyes were full of smiles.

(End of this chapter)

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