Chapter 975 Qi Yuxi, You Murderer

"Tell me, what's so good about her? Why can't you forget her?"

Quan Yashi's eyes were red, and she was going crazy with jealousy.

"Don't mess around, let's go!"

Ji Yunyi took a step back, Quan Yashi couldn't stand still, she threw herself out, and hit the coffee table next to her with her belly.

"Ouch..." Quan Yashi cried out in pain, and she collapsed on the ground: "My stomach hurts... my stomach hurts..."

Ji Yunyi hurried to help her up.

Ji Sisi, who was standing behind Quan Yashi, turned pale.

She pointed at the white skirt on Quan Yashi, and shouted incoherently: "Blood, blood..."

Ji Yunyi looked sideways, and there was indeed a bloodstain the size of a palm.

He frowned, hugged Quan Yashi and walked out.

Ji Sisi glared at Qi Yuxi angrily: "It's all your fault, if Yashi's child has any good or bad, you are the murderer!"

Qi Yuxi's face also became ugly.

She really didn't expect that Quan Yashi would do this, and even hurt the child in her stomach.

Sitting here chatting with Ji Yunyi, she didn't mention their marriage at all, but Quan Yashi insisted that she was crying and begging Ji Yunyi not to get married.

Really poor people must have something to hate.

Qi Yuxi was pointed at by people in the coffee shop, and she vaguely heard those people saying "the first daughter".

Maybe what happened just now has been photographed.

Qi Yuxi, who was originally frank and frank, suddenly lost his composure.

She paid and left the cafe quickly.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for a video titled "The First Daughter Beats a Pregnant Woman" to be uploaded on the Internet, and it quickly became a trending search.

In the video, she is the only one who pours the whole Yashi lemonade, there is no scene of beating, and such a hot name is purely for eyeballs.

But even so, the message is still full of scolding.

She quickly became the target of public criticism.

The messages are almost one-sided in support of Quan Yashi, the so-called poor pregnant woman.

Her fierce cursing was not recorded, only the scene of her crying pitifully and bitterly in the video.

In particular, it seems that the phrase "Do you want her or me and the child" she said won the sympathy of the public, and a lot of keyboard warriors supported her to get rid of the scumbag.

It's not worth shedding tears for a scumbag, let alone begging a scumbag without spine.

Ji Yunyi became an irresponsible scumbag, while Qi Yuxi became a bitch who seduced other people's husbands.

Relying on being the first daughter, she unscrupulously destroys other people's families.

Qi Yuxi was very speechless looking at the comments of those keyboard warriors who didn't know why they were spouting.

What could that whole Yashi be?

Ji Yunyi didn't like her at all, and he was able to conceive Ji Yunyi's child and force her into marriage, but the child was taken advantage of poorly.

Although the video was deleted after 2 minutes, it has already caused a bad impact.

Ye Zhenting called immediately: "Yu Xi, are you okay?"

Feeling Ye Zhenting's deep concern, Qi Yuxi smiled: "Dad, I'm fine, don't worry."

You don't need to ask to know that the video was deleted by Ye Zhenting, and it was deleted very cleanly.

"I have asked someone to write an article to clarify this matter. Tell Dad, what happened at that time?" Ye Zhenting asked.

Qi Yuxi said sadly: "Dad, Ji Yunyi told me that she was ordered to approach me at that time, and his friend Bei Mingjing went to approach Qingqing."

(End of this chapter)

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