The sky-high cute baby, the president's daddy delivered it to the door

Chapter 983 Want it from morning to night, don't you bother?

Chapter 983 Want it from morning to night, don't you bother?

Qi Yuxi finally couldn't bear it anymore and broke out: "I want it from morning to night, don't you find it annoying?"

"It's not annoying." Lu Mufeng said solemnly, "Holding my wife to sleep will never be annoying for the rest of my life."

"Can we get a good night's sleep tonight?"

Qi Yuxi's words were full of resentment, even if her husband spoils her too much, he can turn her into a resentful wife.

Even the eyes are full of resentment.

Is she really tired?
Lu Mufeng looked at Qi Yuxi, who looked like a resentful woman, and smiled: "Okay, I'll let you sleep well tonight, but if you want to sleep well in the future, you have to get pregnant with your third child, and if you get pregnant, I won't let you suffer .”

At this moment, Qi Yuxi suddenly wanted to have a third child.

At least for a few months.

But she has already taken emergency contraceptive pills, and I heard that emergency contraceptive pills have serious side effects, so it is best not to get pregnant in the near future.

Qi Yuxi turned off the light, lay in Lu Mufeng's arms, looked at the ceiling, and the past flooded into her heart like a tide.

That night, she kept staring at the ceiling like this, and then tears gradually blurred her vision, and she couldn't see anything clearly.

During the years when she was separated from Lu Mufeng, she thought many times, if she hadn't left quietly back then and slept peacefully in Lu Mufeng's arms, would the two of them not be separated?

There is no regret medicine in the world, so if such a thing happens, they will still be separated for five years because of various misunderstandings.

That big liar Lu Mufeng told Qi Yuxi to sleep well, but his hands were still dishonest.

He got used to eating tofu, and if he didn't touch Qi Yuxi's body with his big hands, he wouldn't know where to put them when he was sleeping.

"Oh, don't touch it..." Qi Yuxi grabbed his hand and protested: "I'm really tired today, let me have a good sleep, okay?"

Under Qi Yuxi's pitiful pleading, Lu Mufeng finally withdrew his hand back.

In the quiet night, if you don't do anything, you still feel that you are not perfect. Lu Mufeng took a deep breath and closed your eyes. Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.


Ji Yunyi returned to the hospital after leaving Lu Mufeng's manor, and stayed with Quan Yashi who had just had a miscarriage.

Although Ji Yunyi hated Quan Yashi in his heart, but after all, Quan Yashi had a miscarriage because of him, Ji Yunyi felt guilty, sat by the bed, guarding her, lest she be emotionally unstable and do stupid things.

"Yun Yi, our child is gone... Are you angry with me?"

Quan Yashi's face was pale, lying sickly on the hospital bed, looking at Ji Yunyi pitifully.

Originally, their marriage was her wishful thinking, and she used the child as a threat. Now that the child is gone, she is very afraid that Ji Yunyi will regret the marriage, so she has to lower her posture and apologize to him repeatedly: "Don't be angry, I know I was wrong..."

Ji Yunyi looked at Quan Yashi coldly, took out the phone and handed it to her: "Call your parents and ask them to come to the hospital to accompany you."

It doesn't matter what he said, but Quan Yashi's words are always useful!

"I won't fight!"

Quan Yashi was still panicking, she said sadly: "This matter was originally caused by Qi Yuxi, if she didn't meet with you, there would be no dispute between me and her, and our child would not be born. The accident was all her fault. When my parents went to find her, she was clearly at fault, so she hid from people. I want to see how long she can hide."

Ji Yunyi squinted at Quan Yashi, and sneered in his heart.

Just now he said that he knew he was wrong, but now he put the blame on Qi Yuxi.

(End of this chapter)

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