The sky-high cute baby, the president's daddy delivered it to the door

Chapter 992 Men Are Most Likely To Cheat When A Woman Is Pregnant

Chapter 992 Men Are Most Likely To Cheat When A Woman Is Pregnant
Zhou Nana glanced at him angrily: "Are you still eating you? I'm going to throw up if I eat any more."

"Am I not tasty?" Nangong Yuheng asked unhappily.

"No matter how delicious it is, you can't eat it every day. It's almost enough to eat it once in a while. Go fast."

She couldn't wait to eat spicy fish, and her mouth watered just thinking of the taste of spicy fish.

"Hehe." Nangong Yuheng shook his head with a broken smile: "You, when it comes to eating, don't be aggressive."

"If you don't eat actively, you will have neurological problems. The best thing in the world is to eat."

Originally, Zhou Nana was a foodie. In order to lose weight, she suffered a lot. Now that she is pregnant with a child, she doesn't need to think about losing weight. Of course, she has to eat well and enjoy delicious food.

Nangong Yuheng smiled and narrowed his eyes: "Hahaha..."


In the blink of an eye, it was Mother Lu's birthday. At noon on Tuesday, Qi Yuxi and Lu Mufeng took their two children to the capital by private jet.

Zhou Nana picked her up at the airport, and by the way, went to the presidential palace with her to meet the world.

Lu's mother and Ye Zhenting also went to the airport to pick up the plane, and Nangong Yuheng stood aside in a neat suit.

When Zhou Nana saw him, she pretended not to know him, and took the initiative to greet Lu's mother and Mr. President.

Mother Lu met Zhou Nana a few times before, and when she met again, the old man's eyes were wide open: "Ah, Nana, why is your belly so big?"

"Auntie, I'm six months pregnant."

Zhou Nana stroked her stomach.

After pregnancy, Zhou Nana's skin became better than before, rosy and rosy, and her whole body exuded the radiance of maternal love.

"Wow, you're going to be a mommy in three months. You're really quick. I heard Yu Xi mention you before, saying that you're not married. How long has it been? Not only are you married, you're pregnant with a child. What does your husband do?"

Although Nangong Yuheng was hanging around Mama Lu's eyes all day long, Mama Lu didn't know that Nangong Yuheng was Zhou Nana's husband.

"My husband..." Zhou Nana glanced at Nangong Yuheng, suppressed a smile, and said solemnly: "He is ugly and has no money, I am embarrassed to say."

Mother Lu believed it was true, and comforted her: "Women can't find a husband just by their appearance, let alone whether they have money. The most important thing is to be good to themselves. Marry a man no matter how rich or handsome he is. It's also boring to stay away from home all day. Just feel happy, money and looks are secondary."

Zhou Nana nodded again and again: "Yeah, Ms. Lu, I think so too. He treats me very well, but he is very busy and often doesn't see anyone."

Ye Zhenting knew about the relationship between Zhou Nana and Nangong Yuheng, so he didn't say a word. He waited to see when his silly woman would find out.

Lu's mother shook her head: "It's okay not to see people often. No matter how busy a man is, he can't help but ignore his wife, and you are pregnant with a child, so you have to take good care of it."

Zhou Nana touched her belly and said, "I'm fine, his mother can take care of me, and I can take care of myself."

Lu's mother pulled Zhou Nana and reminded her seriously: "Nana, you can't be so stupid. Men are most likely to cheat when a woman is pregnant. You must watch your husband closely at this time, otherwise you will be scared if he looks for a woman outside." have no idea."

Upon hearing this, Nangong Yuheng's face turned dark, and the corners of Ye Zhenting's brows and eyes were soaked in a smile.

Zhou Nana pretended to be surprised and widened her eyes: "Ah, really?"

(End of this chapter)

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