The sky-high cute baby, the president's daddy delivered it to the door

Chapter 995 People who love you will not dislike you for being fat

Chapter 995 People who love you will not dislike you for being fat
When the sensitive topic of giving birth was mentioned, Mother Lu blushed and forgot the embarrassment just now.

Lu's mother murmured, "We're already old, and we won't be afraid of being laughed at if we have any children. In a few years, Yuxi will have another one and bring it to us, so we won't be bored."

"Let's give birth to one too, to keep Yu Xi's child company, it will be less boring."

Ye Zhenting's fallacies and heresies are also set in one set, and they come to trick Lu's mother.

"I'm so old, even if I want to have a baby, I might not be able to." Lu's mother looked at Ye Zhenting: "Do you really want to have another child?"


Ye Zhenting's life can be regarded as successful and famous, but he still has regrets.

He missed Qi Yuxi's birth and growth, and failed to fulfill his responsibilities as a father.

If possible, he would like to be an ordinary person, an ordinary father, watch his child be born, grow up with his child, and make up for this regret.

Lu's mother pursed her lips and said with difficulty: "Then let's go with fate. If you are pregnant, you will give birth. If you are not pregnant... you can find another woman to have a baby."

Ye Zhenting said: "If I want to let other women have children, I won't be able to wait for you to appear. If I can't conceive, I won't have children."

There are not many women who can make him have the urge to have children. He met one when he was young, and another when he was old. During the 30 years in between, he has traveled all over the world, and he has never met him.

Maybe this is fate.

Lu Mufeng's private jet was delivered to the Capital International Airport on time. The private jet has its own terminal, and you can get off the plane without waiting after landing.

When the family of four walked out of the passage, they saw a huge team welcoming them.

"Dad, Mom, Nana, Nangong." Qi Yuxi jumped up and down happily, waving at them non-stop.

"Yu Xi..." Zhou Nana walked up quickly, and hugged Qi Yuxi.

Her stomach is too big now, and she has to lean forward to hug Qi Yuxi, otherwise the thin Qi Yuxi will be knocked flying.

"Wow, your belly is so big, are you twins?"

Qi Yuxi stared at Zhou Nana's belly, her eyes widened. She felt that she was not as big as Zhou Nana's belly when she was pregnant with twins.

The most important reason for her small belly is that she was in a poor mental state during pregnancy and couldn't eat. As a result, the two children did not develop well, were thin, and their stomachs were also small.

Zhou Nana rubbed her stomach and smiled naively: "It's not twins, it's just one. I can eat too much. I eat six meals a day. If I'm not careful, I will gain too much weight."

"You did gain a lot of weight."

Qi Yuxi looked Zhou Nana up and down, she was really perfect.

It seems that Nangong Yuheng took good care of her and she was not hungry.

Qi Yuxi pinched the thick flesh on Zhou Nana's face: "You've lost weight for nothing."

"Yeah, if I knew I would gain weight so quickly, why should I suffer from that? I'm so mad."

Zhou Nana turned her head and glared at the culprit.

Nangong Yuheng still stood straight, without squinting, like a telegraph pole.

Qi Yuxi nodded: "Yes, yes, Nangong likes the fat you, he likes you whether you are skinny or not."

Although Nangong Yuheng didn't speak, he gave Qi Yuxi a thumbs up in his heart.

What Qi Yuxi said was probably the most pleasant thing he heard today, people with high EQ are different.

Zhou Nana half-jokingly said: "I'm still worried that I'm gaining weight. He despises me and cheated on me!"

(End of this chapter)

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