Chapter 1286 Mysterious Voice

Patriarch Su was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "I, Su Nian, swear that if the person in front of me can help the Su family through the crisis, I will never betray even if I am a slave!".

The head of the clan actually made a vow that he would rather be a slave than a slave, just to let Xue Luoyue help the Su family, what a heavy sacrifice.

When the people outside heard it, tears welled up in their eyes, and they made oaths one after another.

On this day, there was a faint white light in the sky above the Su family, as if something was burning.

In fact, it was the light emitted when the oath was established.

The oath was fulfilled, Xue Luoyue curled her lips and looked at them, "Don't kneel, get up and take me to your ancestral hall".

Patriarch Su was taken aback, "How do you know about our ancestral hall?".

Xue Luoyue's hair was black, as early as when the Su family had all recognized their owners, Xue Luoyue heard a voice telling her to go to the ancestral hall.

However, she would not say this, even if she did, no one would believe it, she was the only one who heard it.

"If you still want to live, take me there." Xue Luoyue had no choice but to go to the ancestral hall first.

Who knows if it was too late, if that person was still there.

"follow me".

A simple and unsophisticated hall exuding the smell of incense appeared in front of Xue Luoyue. Through the open door, one could see the densely packed rows of seats inside.

This is the ancestral hall? .

Xue Luoyue pursed her lips and walked straight in.

In the middle of the ancestral hall is a fish tank carved in stone.

Yes, in Xue Luoyue's eyes, it is considered a fish tank.

The water inside is very clear, even in this place full of incense, there is no trace of dust inside, which is really strange.

"This fish tank has been kept here since the Su family was built." Seeing Xue Luoyue's doubts, Patriarch Su explained.

Xue Luoyue raised her eyebrows, "Why don't you move out?" Could it be that the ancestral hall is afraid of fire, so it's reserved for fire fighting, but there's not much water inside, okay?

Patriarch Su frowned, "Even though this fish tank is not big, but no matter what method you use, you can't remove it, so it's simply left here."

So strange, Xue Luoyue stretched out her hand and put it on the fish tank.

"Blood, pour your blood into this, and the Su family can be saved." A faint voice sounded, and Xue Luoyue couldn't help but look up and look around.

"Who? Who's talking?".

Yun Jueshang's eyes darkened, and he held Xue Luoyue in his arms. There was another person here, why couldn't he feel it.

Based on Xue Luoyue's words alone, he believes that there are other people here, how precious this trust is.

Xue Luoyue was deeply moved.

However, now is not the time to talk about this.

"No one, Miss Xue, what's the matter with you?" Patriarch Su looked at Xue Luoyue suspiciously. Could it be that, except when people were cleaning the ancestral hall, usually no one came.

Xue Luoyue listened carefully, but found that there was no sound. Could it be that she heard it wrong? .

No, it's impossible. If what she heard in Elder Su's room was a hallucination, then it's impossible for her to hear the exact same voice when she came here. She heard it right.

But why is the sound gone.

Lowering her eyes, Xue Luoyue saw her own reflection in the fish tank.

By the way, it's a fish tank, Xue Luoyue put her hand in it.

"Little girl, no, benefactor of the Su family, please pour your blood into this water and let the people of the Su family drink it, and they will be saved."

There was a hint of decadence in the voice, as well as a faint drift.

(End of this chapter)

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