Chapter 1428
The corner of Yun Jueshang's father's mouth twitched, "You brat, what are you talking about?"

Yun Jueshang, on the other hand, stood aside calmly with a look of no surprise.

"My husband, I'm so sad, my son has a daughter-in-law and doesn't want a mother." After finishing speaking, he buried his head in the man's arms.

Xue Luoyue, who was on the side, looked at the family getting along so happily, she couldn't help being a little envious.

What would it be like if she found her parents.

Xue Luoyue looked at Yun Jueshang with a faint smile, Yun Jueshang pursed her lips, smiled dotingly, walked over, and walked her and Xiaomu along.

Then he took off the mask on his face, revealing a beautiful face.

"Sulan, look, your son has shown his true face." Yun Jueshang's father raised his eyebrows and said softly.

The woman glanced at Yun Jueshang and immediately smiled.

"Sure enough, it's my own, and it's good-looking." The tone was so proud.

Yun Jueshang's cheeks twitched, a little helpless, could this adjective be used to describe him, really, he hasn't changed at all, he is about to become a mother-in-law.

Xue Luoyue also thought the same way, but at the same time, she could see that Jue's father took good care of her, that's why she maintained her current girlish heart.

Looking at her, from the time the man appeared to now, everything in her brows and eyes is full of happiness.

In life, who wants to find someone they love deeply, get married, have children, watch their children get married, and be happy.

"When Xiaomu grows up, he will look good too." Xiaomu raised his small head and said confidently.

Sulan immediately lowered her head and squatted down, "Yes, Xiaomu will definitely look better than her brother in the future."

"It's not brother, it's brother-in-law," Xiaomu corrected.

Immediately, Su Lan petrified in place, this brat, can't he talk to her just once.

Why is it the same as Yun Jueshang when he was a child, not cute at all.

The man shook his head helplessly and said nothing.

"Okay, okay, brother-in-law is brother-in-law, then what do you plan to call me, sister?" Sulan smiled like a mother, Xiaomu is so cute, she can't help but remind her of the time when Yun Jueshang just grew up.

Su Lan has already hinted very clearly that she wants to be a sister.

"You are not my sister, you are my sister's mother, but my sister has not admitted that you are her mother, so I call you aunt." Xiao Mu's mind turned quickly.

Sulan couldn't laugh or cry at once. Could it be that the ancient children were so precocious? However, thinking that the children in front of her could not be compared with normal human beings, she immediately calmed down.

Xue Luoyue was a little embarrassed after hearing this, "Don't mind, Auntie, Xiaomu, he just met everyone, so he doesn't understand many things."

"Understood, I understand" Su Lan waved her hand, "He's right, but I still want you to call me mother, I've wanted a daughter for a long time, but who knew that a boy was born, so I didn't talk to my mother Dear, depressed."

The mouth corners of Yun Jueshang and his father on the one side twitched, can this be their fault? The mouth corners of the father and son twitched, letting Su Lan complain.

She said so with her mouth, but her face was still very happy.

"Su Lan, it's time for us to go. Those people must have been waiting for them long enough." The man suddenly said, pulling back Su Lan who kept wanting to chat with Xue Luoyue.

The woman curled her lips with a look of reluctance, "Wife there, let's go first."

Yun Jueshang's father looked at Xue Luoyue, "I don't mind telling my father your name."

Xue Luoyue was slightly taken aback, "Hi, uncle, my name is Xue Luoyue".

(End of this chapter)

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