Chapter 1614 You are beautiful

Unexpectedly, my father is also a thoughtful man.

Now, Xue Luoyue was curious about her own mother.

What kind of woman is the mother, who can hold the heart of her father.

How rare it is in this world to be a couple for a lifetime.

"Perhaps, he doesn't want to destroy your relationship." Seeing Huo Wu's memory-like expression, Xue Luoyue replied faintly.

Huo Wu smiled lightly, with sadness and sadness together, "Maybe, just friends, better than strangers."

However, how much she wanted to upgrade her friend's relationship, she could or could not, the best way was to keep it as it was.

It's a pity that she still has a glimmer of hope.

When he learned that he had fallen out with his family at any cost for a woman.

She admitted that she was jealous, jealous of those two people, one could have a marriage contract with him, and the other could get his love.

And she, apart from being a good friend, has nothing.

Because she was angry, because she was angry, and she was sad, and the result was that he didn't lend a helping hand when he had conflicts with his family.

Later I heard that the woman left a son for him, and she left far away just to stop missing him.

Immediately afterwards, she regretted it, and the news she got was that he was besieged by a mysterious strong man and his whereabouts were unknown.

Some people thought he was dead, including the Xue family, and they announced it to the public in this way.

"No, it's not a familiar stranger, and he cherishes the sincere relationship with you, so he will do this."

Xue Luoyue's eyes froze, and she looked at Huo Wu with affirmation.

Huo Wu's face was shaken, and she said uncertainly, "Really?", Is it really so.

He didn't avoid her on purpose, they are still friends.

Xue Luoyue looked at Huo Wu with a smile, she didn't expect her father to have a woman who loved him so silently and deeply.

For a moment, Xue Luoyue didn't know how to describe her current mood.

"Don't you know him yet?" Xue Luoyue smiled and looked at Huo Wu.

Huo Wu froze for a moment, "Yeah, he's so smart, he must have known my intentions a long time ago, but he did it just to prevent me from being sad."

There is no sadness as imagined, there is only a trace of loneliness, and a touch of touch.

He, such a man, even though he knew he couldn't respond to the other party, he still chose to be careful not to hurt others' hearts.

How could he not let her heart move like this.

It's a pity that she couldn't make her heart move.

Looking at Huo Wukong's eyes looking into the distance, he felt a little relieved.

Xue Luoyue pulled Yun Jueshang up and left here lightly.

Before leaving, Xue Luoyue left behind a small sapling.

There are unknown flowers blooming in the yard, and the breeze is blowing, and the petals blown by the wind are scattered around.

However, it is guided by an unseen force.

Huo Wu stared blankly into the distance, and after a long time, she looked away.

Since you can't be a fairy couple, then it's okay to be friends.

Before, there was an identity that could stay by your side.

Suddenly, Huo Wu's pupils opened slightly, looking at the ground.

On the ground, a sentence made of petals made Huo Wu's eyes turn red instantly.

It says, you are beautiful.

No one had ever told her that she was beautiful, but now such a sentence affirmed Huo Wu's excellence, how could she be unhappy.

"I didn't expect Yue to be so generous." Yun Jueshang chuckled, reaching out to lift the broken hair around Xue Luoyue's ear.

(End of this chapter)

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