The little sweet concubine of Emperor Zun's family

Chapter 1637 Miss Xue Family? add more

Chapter 1637 Miss Xue Family? (2) add more

The corners of Xue Luoyue's mouths twitched and they didn't say anything.

Xue Feifei, who always thought she was superior to others, if she knew that she was being treated like this, would probably lose her temper the moment she knew it.

Poor Xue Feifei was rudely thrown by Long Ao beside the fire.

Just throwing it like this, Xue Feifei spit out a lot of water that Xue Feifei drank.

There is also a lot more air to breathe.

The mouth corners of Xue Luoyue and the others twitched, yes, this saved a lot of effort.

However, Long Ao was different, he glared viciously at the unconscious Xue Feifei, this dead woman was really lucky.

"Save people to the end, take this pill for her," Xue Luoyue said, throwing two pills to Long Ao.

Long Ao's mouth is sometimes unforgiving, but his heart is quite good.

"Sure enough, women are troublesome!" After finishing speaking, the clothes on Xue Feifei's body were swept away with spiritual power, and they dried up.

He casually squeezed the sides of Xue Feifei's cheeks, threw in two pills and it was over.

Seeing Xue Feifei's torn clothes, Xue Luoyue thought for a while, and took out a thicker cloak to cover her.

Looking at the woman's dress, she doesn't look like a poor person. When she wakes up, she will find clothes to wear.

At this time, it was already evening, and the weather was still a bit cold, Xue Luoyue and the others added firewood to the fire.

In this way, Xue Feifei was left by Long Ao casually beside the fire.

However, because of the temperature, Xue Feifei's complexion gradually improved, but she still won't wake up for a while.

At the same time, Xue Xiong who was far away,

"Ah Ning, where should I find you?" The man came to the place where he once brought Xue Luoyue to live together.

Not far from here, it has become Xue Luoyue's dark moon stronghold.

"My lord, do you need me to call the boss?" Xiao Jie asked respectfully behind Xue Xiong.

This man has very similar facial features to the boss, and he is also holding a special token exclusive to the boss, so he must have a close relationship with the boss.

He remembered that Xue Luoyue said that if a person holding this kind of token comes, he must treat him well.

And, what he needs to do, An Yue will do her best to help, and she can be notified when necessary.

"No need, let her take a good rest, you boss, I'm too tired."

The man's voice was leisurely, with a hint of distress.

How much effort did my daughter put in to have an organization as big as Dark Moon.

It's really embarrassing for her. She must have suffered a lot. He is too incompetent as a father.

Xiao Jie's eyes flickered slightly, "My lord, then, what do you need us to do?".

Come to the door with a special token, is it just to take a look? .

Not to mention, when Xue Xiong strutted into Dark Moon's stronghold, they were startled, thinking that the enemy was coming, otherwise Xue Xiong would have taken out the token in time, and a big battle would have been inevitable.

"No, you just need to send the news I sent back to your boss in time."

"That's all?" Xiao Jie looked at the man suspiciously, and passed his news to the boss, why? , Is it possible that the boss has accepted any special Dark Moon members? .

Xue Xiong nodded, "Yes, that's all, I'm leaving, you guys are well."

After finishing speaking, Xue Xiong nodded lightly on the spot, and disappeared in front of Xiao Jie in a few flashes.

Hearing the phrase "good", Xiao Jie even thought that Xue Xiong was a member of Dark Moon.

As everyone knows, he is Xue Luoyue's biological father.

What's more, they didn't know that the person Xue Luoyue asked them to inquire about was the one in front of them.

 The promised plus is coming, you have to support Yaoyao, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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