Chapter 1675

Xue Luoyue and the others outside couldn't help laughing, their hearts were overjoyed.

Isn't it true that Long Ao is really not a human being, he is a dragon.

Long Ao smiled evilly indifferently, "Don't worship brother, brother's ability is beyond your worship."

After speaking, he smiled arrogantly.

The leader of the orc clan had cold eyes, and his body was a beast that looked like a rhinoceros.

"Worship? A joke, brothers, kill me." The leader of the orc clan was angered by Long Ao's arrogance.

Immediately afterwards, these orcs rushed towards Long Ao desperately.

They want to show Long Ao that the orcs are not very hot.

At this time, Chu Mo and Xue Xunfeng saw the inexplicable fighting spirit in their bodies.

There is a feeling of dancing and boiling.

In the past, I always fought against monsters who didn't understand anything.

Now, facing intelligent and conscious orcs, it is exciting to think about.

And Xue Xunfeng wanted to avenge his almost killing last time.

After all, if this matter has been affecting him, it will definitely affect his advancement in the future.

With such a chance, no matter whether he can get rid of the depression in his heart, at least if he makes a move, it will be much better.

"Feifei, don't go, brother will avenge you."

Xue Xunfeng looked at Xue Feifei beside him.

"But..." But she wanted to express herself and let Xue Xunfeng think highly of herself.

Xue Xunfeng glanced at Xue Feifei, "No but, just wait for us."

Seeing Xue Xunfeng's unquestionable expression, Xue Feifei pouted, "Okay, brother Feng, be careful."

Brother Feng must feel that she is weak, and she has to work hard to cultivate, Xue Feifei secretly made a vow in her heart.

Xue Xunfeng hummed lightly, and joined the battle circle behind Chu Mo.

Because of Xue Luoyue's frequent manipulations outside, Xue Xunfeng's journey was unimpeded.

It's like entering the realm of nothingness, the feeling of sweeping thousands of troops.

It was said why Xue Luoyue was able to control the fireball so that it would not hit Xue Xunfeng.

It's all because of the spirit fire.

Xue Luoyue's spirit fire could naturally control the fireballs in the formation.

In this way, the unlucky ones are these orcs.

Xue Xunfeng and Chu Mo, who were originally relatively weak, became invincible with the help of Long Ao.

Now there is this weird fireball and hard-to-defend stone.

This group of orcs is not to mention how depressed they are, the hateful human race, they just do some hateful things.

"I said, do you want to solve it quickly, I'm sleepy at night."

Seeing Long Ao and the others having fun, Xue Luoyue who was outside couldn't help saying.

When Long Ao and Chu Mo heard this, they quickened their movements.

But Long Ao simply tied the dragon rope and threw it away, immediately connecting a group of people.

At this time, in the cave.

"Brother, why didn't you hear any sound from outside? Could it be that big brother and the others were solved silently?".

In the cave, the two men had their spiritual energy sealed and tied together with a rope, with a big stone pressing down on the other side.

These two were the ones who were arrested by Xue Luoyue and the others.

"Well... I don't know, I heard the elder brother's voice vaguely before."

"Then tell me, can big brother rescue the two of us?" The man moved his sore arm expectantly.

The person behind frowned fiercely, "Why do I feel that this question is a bit hanging?".


On the other side, Long Ao and Chu Mo hurriedly dealt with this group of people.

At the same time, Xia Zihan kindly let them experience the effect of the elixir he made.

(End of this chapter)

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