The little sweet concubine of Emperor Zun's family

Chapter 1711 Sure enough, it will come!

Chapter 1711 Sure enough, it will come! (2)

However, Qing Fufu had a great life, she did not die, and brought back an important and precious spirit grass.

The earth is dry and prosperous, able to continue the life of the third elder himself.

Later, the third elder knew from the prescription that putting in the earth's dry growth would be very effective in healing, so he took out half of the spirit grass and gave it to the vice president.

However, she was afraid that there would be other eyes around the vice president, so she asked Qingfu to hand over the earth to Chu Mo for safekeeping.

Who knew that the dry glory of the land behind would be stolen.

"No matter how good a pharmacist is, if we don't use it, it will only cause bad things if we keep it," the middle-aged man said coldly.

When the coaching elder heard this, a murderous intent flashed in his dark eyes, "You are right, if he is not used by me, he will be punished if he has a different heart!".

Arrogant, bloodthirsty, vicious, this is the coaching elder, a cold-blooded and ruthless person.

Such a person, even if he got the academy, he would be in that position.

I am afraid that all the students who are educated are also indifferent and selfish, and will do anything to achieve their goals.

"The coaching elders have high opinions" The middle-aged man did not forget to make a false statement.

As for whether this sentence is true or not, only he himself knows.

The coaching elder flicked his sleeves lightly, got up and came to the window, a thrush flew over fawningly and landed on his shoulder.

"Go on, things must be done!".

"Yes!" The middle-aged man answered loudly.

After finishing, he hesitated to look at the coaching elder.

"What's the problem, say!".

The middle-aged man nodded hurriedly, "It's like this, this news came from Shiyao, in order to find out this news, I went through a lot of hardships, and even fell into the formation set up by the other party, and suffered a little injury when I broke the formation. This time, the subordinate wants her to heal her injuries first."

Since it is a minor injury, does it need to be healed? It's not that the coaching elder doesn't understand the meaning of the man's words.

"Take it, this elixir is the best healing elixir, and the rest should be given to her benefits, by the way, let her have a good rest."

Before he finished speaking, the middle-aged man felt a white light hitting him. It was a bottle of elixir, and the weight felt no less than a dozen pills.

The middle-aged man looked excited, "Then I will first thank the coaching elders for their care on behalf of my apprentice Shiyao."

The coaching elder didn't turn his head back, with his hands behind his back, he slowly opened his lips, "Go."

Here, after the man left, he rushed to the Seventh Elder not long after.

On Chu Mo's side, it took almost two days to escort the Seventh Elder and the others.

Period management wasted a bit of time as they weren't very cooperative.

Later, in order to scare them, the old man directly took out his secret weapon, firecrackers.

It was used to coax Xiaomu to play before, but later he got tired of playing it, and the old man didn't play it himself, so he put it away, but now, it has played its role.

Under the despicable power of the old man firecrackers, these people were honest and hurried on their way obediently.

Just when Chu Mo and the others approached a canyon, they felt something was wrong from afar.

Perhaps, the ancients liked to ambush in places like canyons and forests? .

At this moment, the surrounding environment is too quiet, there are not even the sounds of birds and insects, and something is obviously wrong.

The old man's eyes narrowed slightly, "Sure enough, it's still here." The light voice fell into Chu Mo's ears.

Chu Mo's eyes flickered, "I see, everyone is tired too, why don't you sit down where you are and continue on your way later."

These people also seemed to know that someone was coming to rescue them, so they all wanted to recharge their batteries and try to cooperate with each other, so they followed Chu Mo's words and rested in place.

(End of this chapter)

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