Chapter 190 So Easy?

"It's amazing!" Xia Zihan stretched out his head to look at the bottomless ravine.

Not long after, Xue Luoyue felt the joyful mood of the bloodthirsty magic vine, and she must have found the daughter vine.

About half an hour later, the bloodthirsty demon vine climbed up, and there was a spirit grass tied to the vine, emitting a faint spiritual energy, it was probably the thousand-gold vine.

The bloodthirsty demon vine crawled up to Xue Luoyue, and handed the spirit grass on her body to Xue Luoyue.

This is a golden vine similar to the one that Xue Luoyue saw before, but this one is green, with oval leaves, like a flattened gold coin, and a golden flower blooms on the top of the spirit grass Bag.

Obviously, this Stephania vine is about to bloom, and it will definitely attract a lot of monsters. Its flowers have advanced miraculous effects, and its leaves have medicinal effects. Generally, even the leaves are hard to get.

Because there are many poisonous weeds around the stephen vine, and the stephen vine itself has the effect of detoxifying, so it is not easy to get the stephen vine. The poisonous weeds and poisons alone will make people overwhelmed.

However, there was only one thousand-gold vine growing at the bottom of the abyss, but now it was uprooted by the bloodthirsty demon vine, and within a short period of time, no trace of the thousand-gold vine could be found within a hundred miles.

Xue Luoyue looked at the flattering bloodthirsty magic vine, and she was a little ashamed. No matter what you say, this guy is also a frightening plant pet. How come she has learned how to be cute.

Shouldn't the bloodthirsty magic vine be as cruel and ruthless as the piranha? In fact, Xue Luoyue didn't know that since the bloodthirsty magic vine had developed its intelligence, she somehow came to the spiritual grass garden and found After that formation can gather spiritual power, it will take root there.

After that, in order to absorb more spiritual energy, it took care of the spiritual grass garden outside, and that spiritual grass garden was used by the medicine king to confuse intruders.

Thinking about it, who would pay attention to that strange vine when seeing such a large spiritual grass garden, but thanks to the bloodthirsty magic vine absorbing the spiritual power of the formation, it became rotten, otherwise Xue Luoyue would have to pay attention to it. Respond to subsequent array attacks and mazes.

"Well done!" Xue Luoyue praised, this bloodthirsty magic vine seems not to have experienced any danger, and when dealing with Xue Luoyue, she was afraid that Xue Luoyue would touch the vine, and its intelligence was about the same as Linglong.

Afterwards, Xue Luoyue looped the bloodthirsty magic vine around her wrist, and planted the thousand-gold vine in the Linglong Qiankun Pagoda. Anyway, did the academy say that they want a thousand-gold vine, and just give them a petal or leaf later. Keep it to yourself.

However, what Xue Luoyue didn't expect was that the bloodthirsty magic vine was so concerned about this matter that she dug up all the good spirit grasses and the like that she saw in the future, making Xue Luoyue dumbfounded.

Soon Xue Luoyue walked out of the rugged trail and returned to the normal forest, which was the side of the mountain that Xue Luoyue and others planned to go to.

"Phew... It feels so good to be back on the flat ground." Xia Zihan stepped on the solid ground. To be honest, she really didn't like walking on those abnormal roads.

At the beginning, she walked in a dark cave with blood bats in it, and then a jagged path with deep ravines underneath, which made her heart shudder when she saw it, which made her miss this normal flat land very much.

"Zhizhi" the three jerboas seemed to understand her words, and laughed.

"Hmph, you're still making fun of me, I'll beat you to death!" Xia Zihan purposely put on a straight face, clenching her fists to scare the weasel.

"Okay, stop making trouble, little guys, let's go, be careful in this forest." Xue Luoyue handed them three bottles of medicine pills, and took Xia Zihan to pick a random direction and left, leaving only three hops. The weasel looked deeply at Xue Luoyue's back.

(End of this chapter)

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