Chapter 1921 Melee (1)

"Thank you, Mr. Lin." Xue Luoyue didn't notice anything, and pulled Xia Zihan away without looking back.

After all, if they stay here, maybe Lin Ruochu will choose to attack them in order to silence them. The reason is that they didn't help Lin Ruochu's family.

Besides, if you stay here, you won't be able to watch a movie properly, right?

In fact, Xue Luoyue and Xia Zihan wanted to see if Lin Ruochu could defeat the forces of Lin Xiaotian and Lin Tianyi, father and son. If not, they would save Lin Xiaotian and the others, and they must not let them die.

Lin Ruochu couldn't let him have such a good time.

Seeing Xue Luoyue and the others disappear into the night, Lin Ruochu said coldly, "Kill me, don't show mercy!".



The sound of shouting and shouting came suddenly, and the lights on the street in the distance went on and off. They knew that there was a war, but they would not participate. It didn't matter who was the patriarch, as long as it didn't affect their lives Just live.

Simply, the place where Patriarch Lin Ruochu lives is quite spacious. With so many people fighting, there are small forests, large streets and venues scattered, but it doesn't look narrow.

Lin Ruochu raised his sword and confronted Lin Xiaotian. The two of them were like enemies, and they were extremely jealous when they met. With every move and sword, they all rushed towards the deadly point without mercy.

Lin Tianyi and his son were originally fighting with other people, but Mrs. Lin was not the one to be underestimated. She raised her sword and confronted Lin Yulin.

In the beginning, Lin Yulin was not so deadly because Mrs. Lin was a womanizer.

However, Mrs. Lin didn't think so. The knife was fierce and deadly. Lin Yulin accidentally received two swords on her abdomen and shoulders. Fortunately, she dodged quickly and the wounds were not in the way.

Lin Tianyi frowned, seeing that his father was injured, he naturally wanted to help, his father was his only family member at that time, for his sake, he married Lin Ruochu's family.

No, Mrs. Lin didn't expect Lin Tianyi to come over, she couldn't resist being slapped, and took a few steps back with chest tightness.

Because of the friendship in the past, Lin Tianyi was more or less merciful.

However, Lin Rourou couldn't help seeing it, you dared to hurt my mother, you sneaked towards Lin Tianyi without even thinking about it, and Lin Tianyi didn't notice behind him because he was concerned about his father's injury.

When Lin Rourou sneaked over, she couldn't dodge it. At this time, Lin Yulin pulled Lin Tianyi away suddenly, and blocked it with her whole body.

Pfft, the sound of the weapon piercing into the body immediately reached Lin Tianyi's ears, and his eyes were frightened and worried.

"Father!" There was a cry, like the cry of a bird weeping blood.

Lin Yulin spat out blood, "Son, you're fine, as long as you're fine", every mouthful of blood made people sad, and the scarlet blood immediately irritated Lin Tianyi's eyes.

He felt that the circles of his eyes were blood red, the world suddenly collapsed, there was nothing left, and his father was about to die.

Lin Rourou over there was frightened and stupid. He didn't expect it to be like this. He would kill his uncle who loved him like a father with his own hands.

Letting go, Lin Rourou staggered back, she just wanted to scare Lin Tianyi.

Lin Ruochu over there looked at Lin Rourou, and curled his lips in satisfaction, "Rourou is doing well, she didn't embarrass your father and me."

However, Lin Rourou couldn't listen to what she said, and could only feel the coldness in Lin Tianyi's eyes looking at her, so cold that it frightened her.

"All of this is what you asked for. If you are willing to cooperate with us, such a thing will not happen." Mrs. Lin looked at Lin Tianyi coldly and said.

 I have something to do today, the update is a bit late, sorry everyone
(End of this chapter)

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