Chapter 2034 Can You Trust You? (2)

Xue Luoyue raised her eyebrows, and looked at the person who didn't match her words, "Being forced to do nothing, then what do you want me to do?" This didn't make sense at all.

The man slapped his head, "Look at me, I forgot the business! Holy lady, why haven't you rescued the holy lady, she has suffered a lot!".

If you look closely at this person, you will find that he is one of the people who delivered food to Luo Lingning last time and guarded the Wan Lianhan Bone Cave.

But because the venerables re-adjusted the guards later, he never had a chance to get close to Luo Lingning.

"Save my mother, who are you? How do you know where my mother is?" Xue Luoyue's heart moved, and she stared at the man in front of her for a moment.

The man suddenly covered his mouth, looked at Lan Fei and Xiao Meng with his eyes, all blamed him, this time seeing the saintess so similar to the saintess Ning, for a moment he even forgot the existence of outsiders.

Xue Luoyue glanced at Xiao Meng and Lan Fei, and they nodded.

Xiao Meng went to the door, closed the door, and stood at the door, while Lan Fei stood by the closed door.

"Speak, it's okay, tell me everything you know."

Xue Luoyue stabilized her excited heart and looked at the man.

She had to calm down, she didn't know if this person was sent by His Holiness, she had to test it out first.

The man swallowed, "It's like this."

"Get up and talk." Xue Luoyue pointed to the place next to her and said, seeing that this person also knelt for a long time.

The man sat down gratefully and began to say, "It's like this. Originally, the saint Ning was eager to see the saint when she learned of the return of the saint last time, but then maybe she knew that Xue Feifei was a fake saint. Daughter, she fled, but unfortunately she was arrested again."

"The saintess resisted during her escape and was seriously injured, but those people didn't heal her wounds and didn't give her food. This morning, I sneaked in under the leadership of my friends and took a look at the saintess. , She is so pitiful, if this continues, her life may be in danger!".

"What?!" Xue Luoyue felt as if she had been struck by lightning, but she quickly calmed down and looked at the man.

"Can I believe what you said? Why did you tell me so kindly?"

It is impossible for her to trust someone for no reason, let alone this is an extraordinary period.

The man scratched his head anxiously, "What I said is true, why don't you believe me, by the way, I swear, if I said half a lie just now, the sky will be thundered, and I will die!".

The oath was fulfilled, a circle of light disappeared under his feet, without any trace of lying, Xue Luoyue's eyes flickered.

"Let me just believe you, what is that place, why I have been here for two days but I can't see any place where prisoners are held."

Don't look at her coming to Shura Island, she usually wanders around, but in fact, using Xiaomu as an interpreter, she has already asked all kinds of questions. There is no place to detain people in the grass and trees in a radius of tens of miles.

Even if there is, it is some people's own cell used to punish servants.

"Wan Lian Han Bone Cave, the Holy Maiden is in Wan Lian Han Bone Cave, where the most severely punished prisoners in the entire Shura Island are imprisoned."

The man frowned, but he didn't say a word, that place rarely detains people, so far only Luo Lingning and Xue Feifei have been imprisoned.

But I heard she's out now.

After Xue Luoyue heard this, she frowned tightly. The felony prisoner actually locked up her mother as a felony prisoner. Very good, very good people from Shura Island.

 Last night, I called at home. My grandma passed away suddenly. I am rushing home today. If there are few updates in the next few days, I hope everyone can understand. Yes, alas.

(End of this chapter)

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