The little sweet concubine of Emperor Zun's family

Chapter 2288 Can only go in and find

Chapter 2288 Can only go in and find

At that time, they didn't have that much strength to deal with the danger in this crack.

In this crack, sometimes it is flying sand and rocks.Sometimes it is a distorted space, and if you accidentally fall into other space cracks, it is like a maze, and it is difficult to find the exit.

What is even more dangerous is to encounter a space tornado, that thing may tear and distort the space, and even stones will be crushed into powder, let alone people.

Therefore, finding an exit is what they must do quickly at present.

Because of this, the two of them will move forward so hard.

As for Yun Jueshang and Xue Luoyue, Dihuang made this light curtain, and there were light spots inside, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

"Location, then this is the coordinates of Auntie and the others, and the blue dot over here is where we are?" Xue Luoyue pursed her lips and said.

She finally understands it now. She never thought that Dihuang's method of finding people is a bit like that time tracker, which is quite advanced.

"That's right, but they are too far away from us, and they are also rushing here. It's just that I feel that the storm in the crack is about to start. You can only go in to find them and meet them, or the location will change again later."

Dihuang frowned. He used this secret technique when he opened the space crack, so he could feel the breath inside, the tranquility before the storm.

And he felt a sense of fear and uneasiness, and there was only one explanation, the storm was about to come, a storm in space.

Yun Jueshang's eyes flickered, "I'll go, you open the crack and guide me, the entrance doesn't need to be open all the time."

The contract between him and Dihuang, as long as he uses the connection between them, he can feel a trace of Dihuang's aura and find the exit, and he doesn't need to waste time opening the cracks all the time.

Dihuang nodded, stretched out his other hand, pointed at a random place with his fingers, and suddenly there was a vertical crack, which could only allow one person to enter.

Without even thinking about it, Yun Jueshang stepped in, his parents were there, he had to go, and with his current strength, he couldn't find anyone to save them except himself.

Moreover, to be able to accurately sense the positions of the two of them, he had to be able to do so, because of their blood.

"Wait for me..." Yun Jueshang had just stepped in with one foot when he found his hand was being held by another soft little hand.

Looking back, she saw Xue Luoyue with a slight smile on her face. She smiled when she met his gaze, her smile was like a flower, her eyes were full of firmness and recklessness.

For a moment, Yun Jueshang was startled, and his heart softened, "Okay".

He will not refuse, because he knows that even if he refuses, Xue Luoyue will find a way to follow, not to mention they once promised each other that no matter what happens, they will face together and advance and retreat together.

Now he won't let go, instead of worrying her or stepping into a dangerous situation quietly, it's better for the two of them to be together.

While speaking, the two held hands with each other and disappeared into the crack.

Dihuang raised her eyebrows, "It's getting better and better."

When he left before, these two people still looked tepid. Now that they meet, the relationship between the two is inseparable. It's amazing. However, he is really happy for Yun Jueshang from the bottom of his heart.

Xue Luoyue and Yun Jueshang who entered the crack looked at the silk threads flowing around them. There was no sunlight, and even the space was very thin. What was certain was that there was no moisture.

"Where are we going next?" Xue Luoyue looked at the grotesque silk threads around her, stretched out her hand, but broke the threads, but they were quickly connected again.

(End of this chapter)

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