Chapter 2317 Bandit Rampant
It was getting late at dusk, the cool breeze was blowing, and the clouds in the sky seemed to reflect this peaceful atmosphere.

Xue Luoyue and Yun Jueshang quickly walked to the path down the mountain.

This path connects to the woods they were in just now, and the forest should usually be the place where they gather and prey. When they came here, Xue Luoyue saw some traces of spirit grass being collected.

But for some reason, these spirit grasses were collected very cleanly, and when they came out, they didn't see any powerful monsters. Maybe it was because the forest was too small, so there were relatively few monsters and spirit grasses.

Soon, Xue Luoyue and Yun Jueshang saw a burdened old woman and a child in front of them.

The two looked at each other and walked forward.

"Old lady, I want to inquire about...".

Hearing Xue Luoyue's voice, the mother-in-law and the child paused, then lowered their heads and walked forward quickly, as if they didn't hear their voices.

Xue Luoyue frowned slightly, and she flickered in place, before coming to the two of them, "Don't run away!".

Seeing Xue Luoyue coming in front of them all of a sudden, the child burst into tears, but the mother-in-law hurriedly covered his mouth and looked at Xue Luoyue in fear.

"Forgive me, my grandson is ignorant. I will give you whatever you want, and don't hurt us." The mother-in-law's face was trembling, but she still tried her best to hold back and talked to Xue Luoyue.

Xue Luoyue was a little puzzled by the behavior of the old lady, "Don't be afraid, we are not bad people, we just passed by here, and we just asked for directions when we got lost."

Seeing Xue Luoyue's voice was very gentle, with a smile on her face, the old woman was slowly relieved.

"Sorry girl, the old slave didn't mean it just now."

"Why are you so afraid of us?" It seemed that they didn't show any killing intent, why was the old woman so scared.

The old woman sighed, "The girl doesn't know something, because our place is remote and bandits are prevalent. This poor child's parents died at the hands of those bandits."

Xue Luoyue raised her eyebrows. The overall strength of Kongyou Continent should be stronger than their Xuanling Continent. Could it be that a small town can't protect their people.

"Your small town, no, don't you have a city lord or something to protect you?" These ordinary people should be in charge, at least in a certain area, there is a strong person sitting in the town.

The old woman shook her head, "No, the city lord wears a pair of pants with them, and usually pretends to protect, but that is only for the interests of a few people. They don't care about us little people, but a force not far from here , They will protect everyone, but it is a pity that they are also persecuted by the robbers and the mayor, and their power is getting weaker and weaker."

"What kind of robbers are powerful here? Have you ever thought of running away or hiring a strong man to deal with them?" Xue Luoyue frowned slightly. There were many ways, why didn't you choose to resist.

The old woman smiled wryly, "You don't know something, and no one cares about it here, because the resources here are scarce, and we can't pay so much, who would help us at the risk of offending others."

"Besides, those robbers are not of ordinary origin. The time when they come is not certain, and there is no trace at all. Okay, girls, I advise you to leave. I have a hunch, old lady. These hateful people should be very happy." It will come soon, and it will be dangerous."

It's not the usual background, Xue Luoyue always felt that there was something in the old woman's words, she seemed to know something, but she didn't want to say it, so she didn't ask any more.

(End of this chapter)

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