The little sweet concubine of Emperor Zun's family

Chapter 2323 Are you afraid that I will speak out?

Chapter 2323 Are you afraid that I will speak out?
The woman's pupils opened slightly, thinking of something, she looked at Xue Luoyue and Yun Jueshang in shock, "You? Are you not from this continent?".

Yun Jueshang did not speak, looked at Xue Luoyue from time to time, or casually looked at the scenery in the house, but did not answer the woman's words.

Xue Luoyue nodded slightly, "It's not from this continent, isn't it strange, it's not like your continent doesn't have people from other continents."

"Aren't you two afraid that I will reveal your identities?" The woman suddenly laughed maliciously.

People from other continents generally come here, although they will not be rejected obviously, but there are still some. The reason for this rejection is that they want to win them over to become their own forces, or to be loyal to them.

If it is according to their ideas and wishes, it is friendly, otherwise it is rejection, or looking for reasons to kill.

Xue Luoyue sneered, "If you have such thoughts, believe me, you will not live happily, and you will not be able to escape from my pursuit in the ends of the earth."

Her voice was described as normal, but the woman felt a chill down her spine, which was a warning to her.

She rolled her eyes, and she didn't intend to reveal Xue Luoyue's identity, "It's that simple, you asked me, and I said I knew?".

"It's that simple." Xue Luoyue pursed her lips and smiled, then tilted her head slightly to look at the woman, "Hurry up and decide, because time waits for no one."

She had clearly sensed that the smaller teahouses and clothing shops around here had been searched, and the restaurants would be searched soon.

The woman's eyes flickered, and it was the anxiety that made the dizziness even stronger, "I promise!".

Xue Luoyue seemed to have expected that the woman would agree, a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of her lips, "So, the sword should be taken down."

"Well, I hope you keep your word, otherwise I will hold you back even if I die!" The woman flicked her hand, kept the long sword in the scabbard, and reached out to grab the medicine bottle on the table.

If the bleeding didn't stop, she might lose consciousness, damn it, because she just went out to buy things casually, and didn't bring too many healing medicines.

Xue Luoyue narrowed her eyes, said "wait a minute" and squeezed the woman's hand.

"You repented!" The woman's face suddenly turned cold, and she was about to draw her sword.

Glancing lightly at the woman, Xue Luoyue took out another bottle of elixir, "Use this, the effect will be better." After finishing speaking, she put the bottle of elixir in her palm.

With the opening of the lid, the woman smelled a more fragrant and strong medicinal fragrance. This bottle has a better effect than the previous bottle.

Without hesitation, she took it over, poured out two elixir and took it directly, holding the elixir bottle, as if afraid that Xue Luoyue would take it back.

After taking the pill, her face was no longer so pale, but the smell of blood was still strong in the air.

"You hurt your back, do you want me to help you?" Xue Luoyue stood up at this moment, turned to look at the woman, and smiled.

The woman's eyes flickered, and after saying "no need", she crushed the elixir, smeared it casually on her body with her backhand, grinning in pain.

Xue Luoyue raised her eyebrows, she was quite alert, then she glanced at the elixir on the table, and put the cap on the bottle.

At the same time, there was a sound of chaotic footsteps coming from the door downstairs, "My lord, there are only a few big restaurants left that have not been checked."

"Search, it must be one of these few." One person said with certainty, then went upstairs, started to ask the boss, and then heard the sound of going upstairs.

 (There is no charge for this paragraph) Don’t talk about Yaoyao’s glass heart, those who feel that I can’t write well, please click the close button in the upper right corner, and you will not send it. If you write diplomas with your own hobbies and interests, which do not suit your taste, you can Don’t read it, if you make reasonable suggestions, Yaoyao will improve, just say that I plagiarized and naive (especially those who scold me for not spending money after reading the article, please explode in place, I did not write the article for you to scold) , please find articles that you don’t think are childish and good-looking, and don’t spray me. Other readers who defend Yaoyao, please don’t scold them when they see such messages, it’s demeaning!If you say that I am an author, I must accept your accusations. Why, I am not writing to accept your accusations. It doesn’t matter if you say I am petty and glass-hearted.

(End of this chapter)

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