Chapter 2472 Boss You Are So Kind

Everyone paused and nodded seriously, "Boss, you saved our lives. It is our honor to be a member of Dark Moon."

And seeing how An Yue and the others get along, just like their classmates in the same class, I am a little envious.

This feeling seems to be much closer than theirs in the same class, with more trust in each other and more heart-to-heart.

"That's not necessary. Although I thought about it when I helped you so much at the beginning, the people of Dark Moon developed well later on, so I didn't think about asking you to repay me."

Xue Luoyue told the truth directly, she did have this idea at the beginning, but it changed later, the reason why the people of Dark Moon were able to follow her wholeheartedly.

It's nothing more than that most of them are people with no worries, some are desperadoes and orphans, they have received preferential treatment from Dark Moon, and they are doing their best for Dark Moon.

But these people are different. Although most of them are civilians, they can be regarded as coming from large and small families with brothers, sisters and relatives.

The people of Dark Moon don't say they want to hide their identities, but at least their family members can't become the weakness of being manipulated by others. Otherwise, if they are caught by the enemy, it is easy to bring immeasurable losses to Dark Moon.

"Boss, it's because we're not strong enough, so we need you to save us every time?" Everyone was upset, thinking of the time when they went out to practice and were tricked by Mei Niang, and were almost killed by spirit Gu.

Later, when they were caught by the orcs again, it was Xue Luoyue who rescued them, saying that she was helping them, but their strength just couldn't improve, they were so weak! .

Xue Luoyue raised her eyebrows, feeling a little helpless that these people were just trying to make ends meet.

"That's not what I mean. You know it. Besides, you have your family. After you go back, you probably want to become the pride of the family. Your parents and relatives will not want you to surrender at the feet of a woman."

"It's not that I don't give you a chance. If you want to become a person of Dark Moon, you must abide by two points. First, you must not betray me and Dark Moon. Second, do your job well. At least I don't want you to do it for me." When Dark Moon is on a mission, it is absolutely not allowed to be exposed because of family members."

Although some people in Dark Moon also have families and houses, some people almost have a whole family as members of Dark Moon. In this way, no matter what they do, they can get good cover, which is not easy. be found.

"It doesn't matter if you are weak or weak. You can become an excellent person by making use of your own strengths. I don't want to be a member of Dark Moon. I don't want to be vacillating. I don't want my mission to fail or other disadvantages because of my family. Do you understand what I mean?".

Of course, if a family of Dark Moon's members is in trouble, they will do their best to rescue and protect their family members. Xue Luoyue didn't say this, but just wanted to see if they had thought it through.

"Boss, we..." Some people in the crowd were suddenly troubled. They really wanted to join Dark Moon and fight side by side with Xue Luoyue, but the family side was an inseparable part of them.

If they want to cut off contact with their families like this, they can't do it, and they don't want to see the disappointed and worried eyes of their relatives.

Seeing this, Xue Luoyue was not angry, "So, you don't need to become Dark Moon's people. If we need your help, we can count on it. It depends on your own ability, what do you think?" .

These words made everyone's eyes brighten, "Then boss, are we from Dark Moon?".

(End of this chapter)

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