Chapter 2660 Deter them (1)

Although each of them could afford these elixir with a little extra money, no one in God's Domain had ever been able to sell so generously.

The people in the whole street, almost everyone who came to watch and participate in the candy grab got the pills, more than five or six pills per person, and more than ten or twenty pills.

These people are more than 5000 people, more than half of the people of God's Domain are here, just this kind of generosity makes them fall in admiration.

Seeing so many pills, some people were moved.

This man was slightly fat, and he squeezed the surrounding crowd by taking advantage of his huge size. He stretched his hands high and grabbed a lot of pills. Hei Yi and Hei Zhuo couldn't help frowning, planning to wait and see.

The carriage continued to move forward, and the fat man continued to squeeze the crowd forward. Of course, there were also many people squeezing, but they moved slowly and did not dare to riot.

"Greed will suffer." Xue Luoyue wore a red hijab and looked at this person coldly. With a wave of the bright red dress, the person's face suddenly turned pale, and he hit the ground fiercely.

The situation of this person immediately received everyone's attention, his face was sweating instantly, and he was extremely nervous.

He looked at Xue Luoyue's direction, his eyes flashed, and he pretended to be miserable and innocent, "Emperor Concubine, how could you, how could you treat us people like this, you are the one who issued this elixir in name, but we are Your people, if you take one more, will you treat me like this?"

"Is there any reason for this? As a weak person, I just want to get more pills. Even if I sell them later, I can still use them for living. How can you say that I am greedy, empress?"

It is Xue Luoyue's fault to accuse Xue Luoyue, this man is quite courageous.

Xue Luoyue pursed her lips and looked at him with a half-smile, the original smile in her eyes became colder and colder, "Can't say I'm greedy, can't shoot you?".

When everyone heard Xue Luoyue's indifferent voice, they frowned slightly. As an imperial concubine, they should be magnanimous. What's more, it doesn't matter if this person took a few more pills.

The original affection for Xue Luoyue gradually turned cold at this time, their imperial concubine is really stingy!There are so many pills, so what if you give more.

But they forgot that the reason for giving the pill was because Xue Luoyue wanted to give it to them. In fact, she could just give some gold coins and candy directly, which is simpler, saves time, effort and money.

Man, sometimes when others treat him a little bit nicely, he starts to take it for granted.

"Emperor Empress, I don't dare, I admit that I'm a little greedy, but I'm not greedy, and I didn't snatch everyone's medicine, how can I say greedy?" The man rolled his eyes and said very slippery.

Xue Luoyue sneered, "Everyone's elixir? I'm afraid you made a mistake. This elixir belongs to me and has nothing to do with you. I'm willing to give it to you. It's my business. I don't want people like you to snatch it away." , why, you have an opinion."

The man choked, not knowing how to answer Xue Luoyue.

Seeing Xue Luoyue's arrogant appearance, the people of Shenyu Kingdom began to feel unhappy, it was just a little pill, as for that.

"You must think that I am stingy, and I am not willing to give him such a little pill, but let me ask, why should I ask for a reason? If you give me gold coins or give me some benefits, I must give you pills. mean?".

"If you want me to be magnanimous, give each of you the amount you want, and be magnanimous according to your ideas. Who do you think you are?!".

(End of this chapter)

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