Chapter 2843 I'm fine!
After speaking, pulling Su Lan, the two left the hall in a good mood, without even looking at Xue Xiong and Yun Feimo.

The two men looked at each other and shrugged helplessly. It seemed that they were useless if they had children.

"I've figured out a way." At this moment, two excited old men suddenly appeared at the door. When they saw Xue Luoyue, they blinked and subconsciously rubbed a few times.

"Ah! Yao Wang, you are all right." After speaking, he walked up and looked at Xue Luoyue excitedly.

Seeing the Great Elder and the Third Elder, Xue Luoyue's heart felt warm. So she had slept for many days, even the Great Elder who was far away in Yaowang Valley and the Third Elder who had left were invited over.

"I'm fine, thank you everyone", Xue Luoyue smiled, and there were so many people who cared about her, why did she give up on herself and live in her own thoughts, which worried them endlessly.

Is it very good, if it is very good, you won't be in a coma, a person who says how good she is, and nothing is wrong, in fact, there is something wrong, everyone knows it well, and they didn't expose her.

Looking at Xia Zihan, the eyes of Jun Qingruo and others were bloodshot, and she felt guilty in her heart.

Yun Feimo and Xue Xiong came to Xue Luoyue, looked at her tenderly and kindly, "It's fine, it's fine."

In their eyes, they don't expect anything else, as long as Xue Luoyue is safe and sound, that's fine.

Xue Luoyue nodded movedly, "Don't worry, Dad, I'm fine, you guys go to rest", looking at the blue stubble on the faces of the two, she knew that the two dads were unconscious because of her. Wake up, don't worry less.

Xue Xiong and Yun Feimo nodded and left here too. Since Xue Luoyue had nothing to do, they could indeed take a rest and deal with some matters.

"Brother, tell everyone to remove all these things." Xue Luoyue looked at everything in the hall, opened her mouth slowly, and slightly squeezed her hand hidden in her sleeve.

Xue Xunfeng and his group looked at each other, and finally nodded, "Ah, that's right, I forgot, so I'll call Heiyi Heizuo and the others to help remove all the things."

"Yes, yes, master, let's go for a walk in the garden." Xia Zihan, Jun Qingruo and Qingfu saw that Xue Luoyue's expression was not very good, and they all urged her to go out, so as not to be emotional.

Xue Luoyue smiled faintly, and waved her hands, "It's okay, no need, I want to walk by myself, and I'll come back when dinner is ready, why don't you go and have a rest, you haven't had a rest for several days."

Xia Zihan looked worried, and when she wanted to say something, Jun Qingruo pulled the two of them, looked at Xue Luoyue and said, "Miss, we will wait for you to eat, let's go."

After speaking, she left with Xia Zihan Qingfu Xue Lingjuan and the others.

"Hongfeng, is it still hurting?" Outside the door, Xue Luoyue held Hongfeng's hand with a distressed expression on her face. Judging from her pulse, Hongfeng's injury is no longer serious, and she will recover after a few days of care. Dihuang has always taken good care of her.

Hongfeng shook her head, "It's okay, mother, don't worry", as if she had become a little more mature, Hongfeng looked well-behaved and sensible.

Xue Luoyue curled her lips into a smile, scanned around, and found that there was no one around, and with a movement of spirit energy, she brought Hongfeng and Dihuang beside her into the space.

"Dihuang, take Hongfeng to the Holy Spirit Pool for a dip, and I'll go find Linglong." After saying this, Xue Luoyue narrowed her eyes slightly, and quickly walked away.

Just as Hongfeng wanted to say that I would go too, Dihuang covered her mouth all of a sudden, "Let her go by herself, so that she can see how weak she is, and there is still much room for growth."

(End of this chapter)

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