The little sweet concubine of Emperor Zun's family

Chapter 2863 Let them feel a little oppressed

Chapter 2863 Let them feel a little oppressed
Xue Luoyue slightly rubbed the center of her brows, she was still a little puzzled in her heart, the news about the orcs that was spread from the Star Academy for the first time, did the major forces not pay attention to it.

In addition, these orcs tried to use the royal family to kill each other before, to achieve a turbulent situation. Don't these people feel a sense of crisis?

"Black clothes, don't other forces express anything about the infiltration and small movements of the orcs?".

Hei Yi pursed his lips, and stood beside Xue Luoyue, "Those forces know what the mistress said, but they didn't touch their interests, they just turned a blind eye."

Under the urging of the dark moon, the orcs in the Nine Blue Country were basically expelled quickly, and the news of the orcs in other countries was also intentionally or unintentionally leaked by them.

But it's all innocuous, those people never thought of taking courage to solve it, maybe they think these orc people can't make a big deal, and want to see other people's attitudes.

After hearing this, Xue Luoyue sneered, "People are selfish, no one wants to be such an early bird, it seems to give them a sense of oppression, from now on, open your mouth, turn around and order, An Yue will also wait and see what happens, it's time Make them a little oppressive."

The black clothed eyes rolled around, and immediately understood Xue Luoyue's meaning, then nodded, "Yes".

Those big and small forces are unwilling to take action because they are afraid of exhausting their own resources, and they want to wait for the big forces to come out to fight and protect them. However, the orcs of the big forces are still not daring to be blatant, so they just turn a blind eye .

But how could there be such an easy and simple thing in the world. The orc people saw that the human race was not united, which fueled their arrogance. Now that the barrier has been destroyed a lot, it will be easier to find a way out.

Xue Luoyue faintly felt that a great war was about to start, and now these attempts to occupy the border city of the God's Domain Kingdom were the best explanation. They were wooing people and preparing to attack together and break through one by one.

Moreover, those human races they captured before, and the pills they researched that can make them mad, these human races didn't even take it to heart, which is really ridiculous and sad.

Xue Luoyue guessed a lot of things in her heart, but she is not the Holy Mother, so she does not have the responsibility to tell those people what love is, and someone should wake up later.

Moreover, after so many years, it is time to reconsider the relationship between the orcs and the human race.

In this way, after Xue Luoyue ordered the surroundings to strengthen the guard, many soldiers were left here to help build a new defensive wall. Xue Luoyue also set up a protective formation, which can resist the enemy's invasion to a large extent. Just ready to leave.

Of course, this time, all the border cities of God's Domain have heightened their vigilance. If any orcs approach with malicious intentions, they will all be arrested or killed.

Such iron-blooded means made these people dare not take the idea of ​​​​Shenyu Kingdom. After all, they have taken action many times in Shenyu Kingdom, and each time they got benefits.

Of the 7000 soldiers brought back, [-] of them went back under the leadership of Hei Yi Hei Zhuo, and the rest voluntarily stayed here to defend their homes and the country, and received the support and gratitude of the people here.

Soon, the southwest city that had been ravaged by war began to become lively again. The difference was that there was a woman in their hearts who looked like a god's residence, and that was their imperial concubine.

How could they be able to use such an honor to be rescued by the imperial concubine in person.

(End of this chapter)

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