Chapter 2997 Red Lotus Shocked
Xia Zihan and Gong Bixi froze with excited expressions on their faces, "Brother Honglian woke up, that's great, then Xiaoyue, you go first, we are here, if you need us, you must say it."

Although Gong Bixi and the others are not particularly close to Honglian, they usually spend a lot of time together and have feelings for each other. At least everyone was always worried about her accident last time.

Xue Luoyue nodded, "Okay, I'm leaving." After that, she left Xia Zihan's room and returned to her own palace. The aura swayed in the air, and her figure had disappeared.

When she appeared, she was already in the Linglong Qiankun Pagoda. As soon as they saw her coming, Linglong and Hongfeng hurriedly appeared, "Sister (mother), why are you here, be careful."

While talking, the two came to Xue Luoyue's side and wanted to hold her. The reason why Hongfeng didn't have much room was to avoid the pursuit of the Phoenix family.

Once again before she died, Dihuang used secret techniques to send a message, asking Hongfeng to be more careful and not to use her power at will. No, she rarely appeared outside, and even if she did, she would stay for a short time.

The main reason is that Xue Luoyue's big belly, and Xia Zihan and others are really not suitable for fighting, so try not to show up if they can't show up now.

Xue Luoyue smiled slightly, "I'm fine, let's go see Honglian." After speaking, the three of them headed towards a place with strong aura in the space.

Because it was in the Linglong Qiankun Pagoda, Linglong and Xue Luoyue could move any objects inside, including people, at will. Therefore, Honglian's yard was moved to another secluded place for him to recuperate.

Xue Luoyue left them in the space together with the soul-destroying bell that gathered his soul before. The soul-destroying bell has the ability to capture souls and also has the function of nourishing souls.

Originally, Xue Luoyue wanted to capture a few souls to replenish Honglian's strength like Yun Jueshang did before, but after all, these souls belonged to others, and Honglian absorbed them, so they would be easily discovered by the rules of heaven in the future.

At that time, as soon as he appeared, there was a high possibility that thunder punishment would be sent down, so Xue Luoyue gave up after thinking about it.

Moreover, the last time Honglian was only exhausted and her soul was weak, it was not like the previous injury where her soul was scattered by external forces, and it was still possible to recover slowly.

Led by Xue Luoyue, the three of them came to Honglian's yard, opened the door, and there was a bell on a table. The bell had a handle, which looked like a shrunken copper bell.

At this moment, the dementing bell was emitting a faint red light, feeling Xue Luoyue's aura, the red light became more and more grand, followed by a phantom appearing in the room.

Hong Lian was still wearing a red dress, the clothes were a little baggy, her long hair was completely scattered behind her head, some hanging down to her chest, her face was still as enchanting and charming as ever.

Although his face was a little pale, when he looked at Xue Luoyue, his whole body softened, "Why, are you all stupid when you see me?".

Honglian Honglian moved her eyes down while talking, and when she saw Xue Luoyue's round belly, she was slightly taken aback, feeling a knife had been stabbed in her heart, and was caught off guard.

Xue Luoyue pursed her lips, and walked towards Honglian slowly, "I knew you would be so surprised, by the way, do you feel uncomfortable?" Looking at Honglian's slightly transparent figure, Xue Luoyue felt a little distressed.

The last battle must have consumed his bad power, and he also lost a lot of soul power. After all, fighting someone like Yu Juechen, his power would hurt him.

 Please look forward to tomorrow's 20th chapter explosion, I hope to see you give Yaoyao a lot of support tomorrow, what a smash.

(End of this chapter)

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