The little sweet concubine of Emperor Zun's family

Chapter 3026 Full Moon Wine Disturbance

Chapter 3026 Full Moon Wine Disturbance (1)

God's Domain Kingdom a month later.

Knowing that Xue Luoyue was left with twins, as soon as the news came out, everyone in the entire Shenyu Kingdom who knew about it immediately boiled.

Moreover, Yun Feimo ordered that God's Domain's taxes be reduced or exempted for one year. It can be said that the people of the whole country are blessing the birth of these two children.

Prior to this, those forces who were bewitching the public with the night Xue Luoyue's remaining child were found out, their cultivation bases were abolished, and they were driven out of the God's Realm Kingdom. These iron-blooded methods deterred these people.

Because the newborns were just born, they didn't want to see blood, so while everyone felt that the royal family was magnanimous, they secretly warned themselves not to be influenced and fooled by others.

They understand that they may not be able to save their lives next time. Those people who thought they could disturb the state of God's Domain, but they didn't expect to put themselves in it, almost couldn't see the sunshine of this world.

Therefore, after being miserably expelled from God's Domain, they didn't even scold them, because they were afraid of being settled by Qiu Hou.

Since Long Zhan and Gong Bixi's children were also born in Shenyu Kingdom, the time difference was less than half a day, so the full moon wine was naturally held on the same day.

But in order to make a difference and welcome the corresponding guests, the premise was three days ahead. The first day was Xia Zihan and Gong Bixi's, and almost all the powerful people from the entire Bicheng Kingdom came.

They were disdainful and reluctant before they came to God's Domain, because it was so depressing for the children of their future emperor to hold a full moon wine in another country.

But after they entered the God's Domain and felt the cultivation of the people around them, as well as the environment and buildings, they didn't dare to say anything more. The development of the God's Domain was better than theirs.

Thinking about it, these people feel relieved that they can hand over to such a mysterious country as Shenyu Kingdom, and they become more and more respectful to this place. This is the powerful influence of the country.

And when these people from God's Domain saw these people from other countries coming, they took the opportunity to make a lot of money, and they respected their own emperors and concubines even more.

After a busy day, most people had no choice but to go back the next day, because although the Shenyu Kingdom was extensive, Yun Feimo did not allow them to stay here alone for a long time.

After all, as time goes by, some confusion is prone to occur. These people are outsiders, so they may cause trouble. The most important thing is that they are guests, and it is not good for them to punish them at that time.

For the consideration of Shenyu Kingdom, these people just stayed for one night, and they were reluctant to leave the next day. They decided that in the future, they must get a pass to come to Shenyu Kingdom if they have the opportunity.

Then followed by the Dragon Clan. The domineering spirit of the Dragon Clan directly tore through the space. The Dragon King didn't come in person, but the First Prince and Long Moyan brother and sister came in person.

Of course, Long Zhan's family is indispensable among them.

A group of dragons swaggered around the palace of the God's Domain, and finally landed. The people of the God's Domain outside were dumbfounded, and they were extremely proud of themselves as the people of the God's Domain.

Can they not be proud, the powerful people in several countries are friends of their emperors and concubines, that is, their friends of God's Domain, others can't get it if they want it.

Although there are not many people from the dragon clan, there are hundreds of people, hundreds of dragons, and the formation is still huge.

"Then what, come here from Tear Space, I can only bring this few people, Qing Ruo, don't mind, I will make a fuss for you when I go back to the mother's side." Long Zhan's mother pulled him gently. Jun Qingruo's hand.

(End of this chapter)

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