Chapter 3058

Chu Mo and the others looked at each other, and before Xue Luoyue could make a move, they all launched attacks one after another, aiming at the terrifying ball of light sent by King Feng.

The moves of all the people were issued together, and the power was not small, not to mention that there were some dragon clansman's moves among them. No accident, Phoenix King's light ball was smashed to pieces.

Just like a firework stick in a child's hands, when those wind-type phoenixes thought they had been recruited, only the flames fell on their bodies, without any scorching breath.

Everyone was stunned, and their faces were full of joy. Their Great Elder really didn't deceive them, someone was really helping them, and the strength was not small.

"It turns out that your ability, Feng Wang, is only this. I thought it was so powerful." The long voice gradually sounded from far to near, and the indifferent voice entered and exited everyone's ears.

He looked at an empty space, a grateful look flashed in his eyes, and then he looked at Feng Wang's family.

"Are you so eager to get rid of us because you are afraid that we will reveal what you have done?" After the elder's voice fell, two people quickly came to his side.

It's his confidant, he will leave the customs later.

Feeling the unmoving cultivation of the First Elder, King Feng sneered in his heart: I thought he was plotting something behind his back, but now it seems that it is nothing, but he was forced out by him.

"Being willing to show up, this king thought you were scared and was about to run away, and we happened to receive your subordinates for you." Feng Wang's face was flat, but he was secretly wondering and perceiving the surrounding situation in his heart.

What was it that was able to break up the power of the fifth floor just now? He felt it, and he was not short of a single person to make a move. Could it be the power cultivated by the Great Elder secretly.

Could it be an ice phoenix?No, it's not, he didn't feel the power of the phoenix, but he felt the breath of the dragon clan. However, there will be no dragons here, so his perception should be wrong.

The Great Elder smiled lightly, "Afraid? I am afraid that you and I are not uncle!".

"You!" Feng Yuqiong stared at the elder angrily, clenched his fists tightly, this old bastard really wanted to kill him, damn it! .

If it is said why Feng Yuqiong hates this group of wind-type phoenixes so much, it is still the same reason, interrupting his plan to obtain pure blood, can he not be angry, he wants to kill the whole family.

Feng Wang suddenly laughed, and then stopped abruptly, staring at the elder with cold words, "Hehe, if you want this king's position, just say so, you don't need to dig out old things."

"It's not right if the old things are not revealed. History is hidden. Everyone must know the truth. Now there are quite a lot of people who remember what happened back then, but they forgot. I just reminded them."

The Great Elder smirked, and then he opened his mouth, and quickly told all the things that the previous Phoenix King did to the previous Phoenix King. No one said a word, because many of them remembered it.

And they all participated in it, even if they didn't participate, in the past thousands of years, the newborn Phoenix grew up and heard some rumors.

Feng Wang, who was not yet mentally prepared, heard the great elder Balabala say a lot, and he felt a strange sunshine looking at him.

In this case, it took him a lot of money and a long time to suppress this matter, but now this guy brought it up again, damn it! .

"Don't rush to get angry, I still have one thing to say, hand over Fengwang's position and Hongfeng, and I will spare you!" The elder looked at Fengwang with a look of charity.

(End of this chapter)

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