The little sweet concubine of Emperor Zun's family

Chapter 3270 My father is a hero of the world

Chapter 3270 My father is a hero of the world (1)

"Let me go, help me!", except for Xiaoxue, there is no little girl in here. Presumably, during this period of time, children are rarely taken out, like they were arrested today, it was this group of people who caught them by surprise. Plus they place orders.

Xiaoxue frowned, she didn't expect the child to be so annoying when she cried, really! .

"Shut up, don't cry!" The annoyed Xiaoyun glared at the group of people viciously. Suddenly, the group of children were stunned for a moment, and then they cried even harder.

Two more were arrested, the number of them was about the same, they must be sold, woo woo.

Xiao Yun had black hair, and it was the first time he found out that his yelling had no effect on these children. He didn't understand that yelling could deter adults.

Xiaoxue patted her brother on the shoulder, and said slyly: "Stop arguing, if any of you quarrel again, I will eat the monsters you feed me!", saying that she picked up Xiao Heihei.

Appropriately, the half body of the little black snake suddenly became as big as a bucket, and looked down at the group of people, showing sharp snake teeth. Suddenly, the screaming people looked around and fainted.

At this moment, Xiaoxue was dumbfounded, and touched Xiao Hei Hei's head to make it smaller: "Ahem, it's all your fault, just make it a normal size. Look, they're scared to death."

Xiao Hei was helpless: "Blame me, don't I also want the effect to be better, besides, he has obviously completed the task, so these little guys stop crying, please."

Also, Ming Ming is older than the little devil, yet he is so timid, cut, Xiao Hei Hei really thinks that all children are as mature as Xiao Xue and Xiao Yun.

Suddenly, the little black snake stared at a certain place: "Huh? There are similar ones, come out, or I will eat you!".

"Don't, don't, don't, you can't eat my monster, it's my partner." A little boy about six or seven years old stood up and opened his hand to block it. His face was pale and pale. For the talking monster, He understands, Holy Beast! , His father also has a holy beast.

Xiaoxue's eyes lit up: "Oh, you didn't faint from the fright, it's amazing."

Boy: ".", is this a compliment?

"Don't worry, Xiao Hei Hei won't eat your monsters, he's just joking," Xiaoxue explained with a smile on her face, while Xiao Hei Hei nodded with a cute face.

But the question is, how could the little boy be deceived after seeing how it transforms.

Xiaoxue approached the little boy, was pulled by Xiaoyun, and the two walked forward: "What's your name?"

"Jiang Hao", the little boy's eyes flickered, and he didn't say his name in it, because he was afraid that telling these people his name would pose a threat to his parents.

Xiaoxue frowned: "My name is Xiaoxue, you can call me Xuexue, he is my elder brother, Xiaoyun".

At this time, I still have the mood to ask this. The two children in front of me are really strange.

"Well, your monsters are very powerful. Let's escape and find someone to rescue them. Otherwise, they will kill me when they get the money. It's very dangerous." It's fine to report the letter.

Xiaoxue shook her head: "Don't be in a hurry, my brother and I are here to rescue you, let's go brother, let's beat up the bad guys and go back after we're done, so that mother won't worry."

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Hao was taken aback, and the corners of his mouth twitched: "Aren't you kidding, you were arrested, you know, you were arrested just now."

Do these two people regard this place as a place to play games?

 Tomorrow update father and daughter meet, are you excited?By the way, I recommend a book written by my author friend, called Adorable Wife and Courtier: The Emperor Never Sleeps, you can read it if you are interested.


(End of this chapter)

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