Chapter 3442

Then, Yun Jueshang found that his long sword had stabbed something like cotton, and he didn't have the feeling of stabbing someone, so he knew that his attack had failed.

Moreover, Leng Roufang, who was supposed to have her neck wiped in front of Xue Luoyue, only heard a scream after her move fell, and then she disappeared.

Judging by the situation, he was definitely seriously injured, but he did not die.

Immediately afterwards, at this moment, Xue Luoyue's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, she couldn't see her fingers, it was dark, she couldn't see light and sound, it was so like that dream.

"Jue, where are you?" Xue Luoyue asked, but no voice answered her.

With her eyes downcast, Xue Luoyue stretched out her palm and took out Ye Mingzhu, only to find that Ye Mingzhu had no light at this moment. She pursed her lips, stretched out her finger, and snapped her fingers.

With a snort, a ball of flame appeared in the palm of his hand, but the light could only illuminate within two meters, and the light was still very blurry, which had never happened before.

He walked towards the location where Yun Jueshang was in his impression, but after he walked there, there was still no one there.

Xue Luoyue didn't believe in evil, she continued to transmit voices, she spoke, and called Yun Jueshang and Zimo, but still no one answered her.

At this moment, she found something approaching, so she extinguished the flame in her hand and held her breath.

"Are you all right, don't worry, I feel that my sister's breath is here, let's go slowly."

Hearing that small and exquisite voice, Xue Luoyue lit the flame on her finger again.

"Linglong, Qingxiao, is it you?" Xue Luoyue pursed her lips slightly, asked, and walked towards them, but she was still vigilant and on guard. After all, she didn't know if she was caught in a panic now. in the law.

Hearing the sound, there was the sound of pedaling on the opposite side, followed by the sound of fighting. Xue Luoyue rushed over, but found that it was Wanlin, she was already injured, and she still had to get rid of Xue Luoyue's side people.

This woman is another woman who has been poisoned by Yu Juechen's love poison.

Holding the long sword, Wanlin tried to chop Linglong with difficulty, but was avoided one by one, and in the end, she was smashed to the ground by Linglong's punch.

"I'm not looking for you, you're still coming out to die, you're tired of your life, just right, I'll send you to the King of Hades reluctantly." Linglong, who has always been gentle and pleasant, turned cold, took out a long sword in her hand, and pointed at Wan Wan. Lin stabbed to go.

From a distance, Xue Luoyue saw a big black hand, hitting Linglong's back, Qing Xiao beside her seemed to be so injured that she couldn't walk, shaking, as if she didn't see this hand at all .

Gritting her teeth fiercely, Xue Luoyue lightly tapped her feet, and swept towards the black hand, the Fengwu sword in her hand stabbed fiercely towards it.

Just when the hand was about to hit Linglong, it was stabbed by the Fengwu sword, and flames burst out, followed by a piercing pain, and the hand disappeared immediately.

Fengwu Sword just stopped behind Linglong, turned a corner, and voluntarily stabbed towards Wanlin, but at this moment, there was a black energy, faster than Fengwujian's and Linglong's, Wanlin was swept away.

Seeing Fengwu Sword, Linglong's face brightened, she didn't bother to think about Wanlin's news, and turned around quickly: "Sister, you are here, is it you?".

When she saw Xue Luoyue, she had already supported Qing Xiao who was stumbling and about to fall to the ground.

Qing Xiao's face was pale, and his consciousness was a little fuzzy. Hearing Xue Luoyue's voice, he struggled to open his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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