Chapter 3458 The deity is out! (1)

Yu Juechen, who was staring at Yun Jueshang coldly, smiled arrogantly, and looked at Yun Jueshang who was handsomer and more handsome than him, like a god, with a stern arc on his lips: "You are not worthy of fighting with me now!" , too weak!".

Being blocked so easily is not weak or anything.

At this moment, Yun Jueshang looked down at Yu Juechen slightly, and glanced at him lightly with disdainful eyes: "Is that so?" As soon as the meaningful words came out, Yu Juechen's heart skipped a beat.

Almost when this thought appeared, he found that the junction between himself and Yun Jueshang suddenly burst out with a strong breath.

Immediately afterwards, the anger sounded like a teacup being smashed, and Yun Jueshang held the tip of the Nether Sword as if he inserted it into the attack set up by Yu Juechen. Like a chain reaction, the attack was forced.

And Yun Jueshang chuckled lightly, and swung his body forward. At this moment, Yu Juechen, who was originally sitting, no longer sat waiting for death, but got up, and swiped back, dodging his attack.

He snorted with some regret, his strength was interrupted after recovering to the sixth or seventh floor, but it was enough, at least the soul was fused, and he only needed to hone it slowly to stimulate the inner potential.

It's all because of these nasty guys in front of him who are always sabotaging, otherwise, he would have broken through this seal and gone out long ago, fortunately it is not too late.

Yun Jueshang narrowed his eyes, the attack in his hand strengthened again, and he slashed towards Yu Juechen fiercely.

Yu Juechen didn't want to take this kind of move, so he naturally blocked it if he could, and quickly dodged it, avoiding Yun Jueshang's attack.

When the attack landed on the ground, a deep gully was carved out of the ground, and the originally smooth ground was shattered.

Seeing this, Yu Juechen sneered again and again, and Yun Jueshang had a bad premonition in his heart.

Qing Xiao frowned slightly, murmured, and stared at Yu Juechen full of murderous intent: "Damn it! You actually used this trick to break the seal."

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of Xue Luoyue and Yun Jueshang became more serious. They didn't know that the weak part of the seal was actually in this place, but thinking about it, Yu Juechen must have stayed here for so many years to recover his strength. here.

Of course, there are various ways to weaken the seal of this piece, and Yun Jueshang's move is not considered to have broken the seal, but it is equivalent to a place where an egg has been cracked a little bit.

Logically speaking, Yu Juechen could do it all, but it was done on purpose now, to make Xue Luoyue and Yun Jueshang feel guilty, because since the core seal was broken, it was inevitable for him to go out.

However, he underestimated these two people. They did not admit that they were good people, and they were not the kind of people who could sacrifice themselves for the sake of the whole world without getting anything back.

Yun Jueshang narrowed his eyes: "Just get out before the seal is completely broken." After speaking, the hand holding the Nether Sword suddenly tightened, and each person and sword exuded a violent breath.

"Then you have to have that time too." Yu Juechen laughed loudly, and took out the long sword from before, which was the weapon possessed by his soul in the previous life. In order to match the attack power of Yun Jueshang's Nether Sword, he But I kept a little bit of my spirit in it.

He only fused half of the spirit's soul, and kept the rest in the weapon, in order to let the weapon and him achieve the unity of mind and spirit, and promote the sudden increase in strength.

Afterwards, he raised the long sword, gathered the rest of his spiritual power that had not been fully absorbed, lingered on the long sword, and slashed fiercely at the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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