Chapter 3465 Is he crazy?
The moment she saw Xue Luoyue, Xiaoxue and Xiaoyun's eyes lit up: "It's mother, mother is safe and well, that's great, that's great." The expressions of concern shrouded the two little guys. face.

Feeling Yun Jueshang's worried eyes, Xue Luoyue looked a little better, nodded, and walked towards him.

He stroked Xiaoxue and Xiaoyun's heads comfortingly, and looked in Yu Juechen's direction with Yun Jueshang: "Is he crazy?".

"Going crazy is afraid that his madness will cause us huge troubles." The patriarch stared at Yu Juechen and Lei Dian's arrogant appearance, his eyes were a little heavy.

With a twinkle in her eyes, Xue Luoyue looked at the patriarch, and took out two oval-shaped objects about a foot in length, engraved with complex and simple patterns: "From the core of the formation, we found This, they should be the ones who sealed the chaotic air on the bottom of the sea."

"I can still feel a little bit of power in it, I don't know if it will help." Currently, they can't think of any way to get rid of the chaotic turbidity [-]%.

Therefore, we can only see if we can make or research a way to deal with him from it. After all, since this thing can be used as the core of the seal, it must be something from heaven, which is not ordinary.

The patriarch also looked puzzled: "Are these two things the core of the seal? Does that mean this is a treasure left by the Dao of Heaven?".

"After tens of thousands of years, it is no longer a treasure, but the formation above can be studied," Taotie said at this time, and looked at Qiongqi at Xiaoxue's feet, his eyes were slightly bright.

Xue Luoyue raised her eyebrows slightly: "Even if it's like this, it's not bad, at least it's good to learn some powerful formations."

And when Yun Jueshang saw this thing and felt the power above it, he felt a faint familiar feeling in his heart, inexplicably, he felt like he had seen this thing before.

You know, this is the first time he has seen this thing.

"Master, what are you thinking?" Taotie looked at Yun Jueshang excitedly, hesitant to speak.

Yun Jueshang paused for a moment, his eyes were cold and stern: "I haven't explained the issue of the ring to me yet."

Taotie's pupils narrowed slightly, and he looked at Yun Jueshang flatteringly: "Master, this matter, let's discuss this matter later, it's not the right time if it's not convenient."

No matter what the situation, I have come here, and things have already happened, why the master doesn’t seem to have recovered his memory at all, could it be that he has made a mistake, but it shouldn’t be, with purple eyes, he is the only one in the whole world.

Waiting to think about it, Taotie looked at the little face that resembled Yun Jueshang in horror and weirdness, and looked him up and down. Could it be that he is the master he is looking for? .

Sensing Taotie's gaze, Xiaoyun frowned: "What are you looking at me for?".

Taotie quickly shook his head: "It's nothing, don't mind." It seems that he has to wait until his elder brother and third younger brother regain their senses before this matter can be explained clearly. At the beginning, Qiongqi didn't know much. One is not acceptable.

Just when Yun Jueshang was about to say something, Yu Juechen ruthlessly tore apart the thunderbolts again, slightly bent his hands, glanced down, and suddenly looked in Yun Jueshang's direction.

No, to be precise, it's something in Xue Luoyue's hands.

He took a deep look, followed by a wild laugh: "Ah ha ha, heaven, heaven, as I said, if you seal me, you will definitely be punished by heaven, haha, there is no heaven in this world !”.

(End of this chapter)

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