Chapter 3488 Still stingy
When Leng Roufang heard that she would not die, her eyes lit up, she knew that Yu Juechen would not leave her alone, and her expression relaxed a little.

"It's useless after the injury is cured. My strength has been greatly weakened now, and I can't help you with anything in the future." As he spoke, he lowered his eyes coldly and desolately.

This is not acting, but real feelings. The current Yu Juechen is not only powerful, but also has a noble status. Slowly, Leng Roufang has begun to have a faint sense of inferiority and worry in her heart.

She doesn't know, if she doesn't have any strength, will he still love her, and will she be worthy of him? This kind of worry is like a virus. Once it is activated, it will spread slowly and become Terrible.

Yu Juechen's eyes flickered slightly, such pear blossoms were raining, tangled and uncomfortable, and there was a feeling of wanting to be cared for in his heart.

After all, the machismo Yu Juechen always has the feeling of a savior. Although he originally intended to destroy the world, it seems that he does not want to destroy it now, but transforms it.

"Don't think too much, take care of your wounds, and who dares to say that you are useless, wouldn't it make me more at ease to solve my worries for the future?" Yu Juechen said, stretching out his hand, comforting Leng Roufang gently through the spiritual power cover.

Afterwards, she began to send spiritual power to her to heal her wounds. After receiving Yu Juechen's power, Leng Roufang only felt that she was like a parched earth that was nourished by rain, and greedily absorbed it.

Moreover, after these powers entered, those hidden wounds in the body began to recover substantially, and the pain itself disappeared.

When Leng Roufang's hidden wounds were almost healed, the place stabbed by Fengwu sword no longer bleeds, but scars formed, Yu Juechen withdrew his own power, now, the power of his chaotic turbidity will be less if he uses it.

What can be absorbed from the air is pitiful, so it must be saved. You must know that the power of chaos can be compared with the power of the gods. This is why he has just broken through the seal, and even when he is the weakest, he can be as good as Xue Luoyue. The reason why Yun Jueshang fought.

As Xue Luoyue and Yun Jueshang became stronger as they fought more and more, if he hadn't merged, the previous Yu Juechen alone would not be able to defeat him.

"Ahem." After gaining strength, Leng Roufang staggered to stand up with Yu Juechen's support, but she still couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of black blood. Congestion in the body.

After vomiting it out, she felt a lot more refreshed, but she could also clearly know that her current strength had dropped sharply, and she was actually less than the spiritual master's cultivation base.

Leng Roufang's complexion was very bad, she was tangled and hesitant, she was too weak, her strength was too weak.

In fact, she should be grateful for Yu Juechen's help, otherwise, even if she is entered into the body by the fire of Nirvana in the Fengwu sword, her body will be destroyed slowly, and even if she does not die, she will become a disabled person. It can be saved by a sharp decline in strength.

Just like Yu Juechen's mother-in-law Luo Yu, Xue Luoyue's fire of Nirvana was also caught in it. It was still in a restrained state, but now every time it happened concurrently, it seemed to be severely burned by the flame, and it was extremely painful.

Compared with Luo Yu, she was much happier, but Yu Juechen used some of the power of Chaos Qi to heal her.

"How do you feel?" Yu Juechen lowered his head and asked gently.

Leng Roufang moved her head and shook her head: "I'm fine, I'm fine, I'll be fine after a while."

"Well, that's good, take the elixir first, take a good rest, go out and let the alchemist give you a good check, during this time you can feel at ease to heal your wounds."

(End of this chapter)

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