The little sweet concubine of Emperor Zun's family

Chapter 3806 There is only one way!

Chapter 3806 There is only one way! (1)

But there is a saying that says that a lean camel is bigger than a horse, even if an ant bites back, it will hurt, not to mention Yu Juechen, although he is seriously injured now, he is not a person who is so quick to compromise.

Even though he was injured, Yu Juechen was still terrifying even if he tried his best, and he didn't hold back his attack and spiritual power at all.

Both Xue Luoyue and Yun Jueshang who faced him had to sigh, this guy is a tough opponent, if they were one-on-one, they could beat him, but he must be very embarrassed.

In the space, after Xiaoyun was taken in by Linglong, she settled down properly, fed him a little Holy Spirit water, and checked his body for any injuries.

Fortunately, the dragon god appeared in time, and Xiaoyun's body was fine, it was just a loss of strength and uneven Qi and blood. For a child to exert such a powerful force, his body could not bear it.

This is also thanks to the fact that Xue Luoyue made the two guys eat pills as jelly beans when they were young, otherwise they would not have such a strong physique.

In addition, Xiaoxue sees that her parents have help now, and it is not so difficult to deal with Yu Juechen, so she wholeheartedly guards Xiaoyun's bedside.

She asked Linglong in a low voice: "Auntie Linglong, is brother okay, when will he wake up?" She was so worried, she had never seen her brother working so hard.

Linglong patted Xiaoxue on the shoulder comfortingly: "It's okay, I should wake up soon." This little guy's body has a strong healing ability, and besides, he didn't suffer any serious injuries.

Not long after taking the qi invigorating pill and the holy spirit water, Xiaoyun woke up quietly. He sat up from the bed suddenly, but because his body was a little weak, he fell on the bed.

Seeing her, Linglong quickly helped him up: "Don't get excited, my sister and the others are fine, you should take a good rest first, your body will consume too much energy and you will feel tired, don't worry, you will be fine after resting."

After finishing the work, before Xiaoyun could speak, Linglong sat on the corner of the bed, stretched out her hand, and the scene of Yun Jueshang and the others fighting outside appeared in front of them.

I saw that Yun Jueshang was holding the Nether Sword, and the attacks in his hands became smoother and stronger, and many moves he had never used before, but it seemed that he had learned them for a long time, and they were natural and powerful.

As for Xue Luoyue, because they had the strongest moves Qing Xiao taught her, and facing Yu Juechen, they didn't want to hold back, so the moves they used were all the strongest.

The two sides are fighting together, all kinds of spiritual moves are flying, and the picture is dangerous but exciting. Unfortunately, such powerful moves cannot be seen or clearly seen by ordinary people, because their speed is too fast.

Yun Jueshang pursed his lips, and when he was fighting Yu Juechen, he turned his body slightly, and the Nether Sword in his hand swept across, Yu Juechen's lower abdomen was hit again, and blood flowed horizontally.

But at this time, Yu Juechen's eyes became more ferocious and terrifying. He frantically absorbed the surrounding spiritual energy without refining it, and just used it as his own power.

In this period of time, you can reach the power of your own refining spiritual power, but it will cause serious damage to your body.

It seems that in order to make Yun Jueshang and Xue Luoyue feel bad before they die, Yu Juechen is going all out! .

Xiaoyun and Dragon God met, and they both frowned at the same time: "This is a bit troublesome", do I have to make a move, three against one, will it be bad, Dragon God thought absently.

"Xiaoqiang is really unbeatable, why is he so difficult!" Xiaoxue saw Xiaoyun frowning and giving birth in a hurry, with a disgusted expression on her face.

(End of this chapter)

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