The little sweet concubine of Emperor Zun's family

Chapter 3808 What is Xiaoyun's identity?

Chapter 3808 What is Xiaoyun's identity? (1)

The Dragon God has a dark head, these two, after reincarnation, their temperaments have changed, so black-bellied, so trick him, he is still just a child, let him decide on matters related to the mainland, he is not the savior.

Besides, this matter needs the consent of these two people, without their consent, it will not work at all.

"Kaitianshi, reincarnated," said Dragon God, curling his lips.

When Xue Luoyue and Yun Jueshang heard this, they immediately paused and were almost attacked by Yu Juechen. They took advantage of the gap to look back at Dragon God: "Are you sure you're not joking?".

The Kaitian Stone is just a powerful stone, or it can be said to be the original energy body that formed the continent, and later gave birth to the God of Heaven and Chaos, and it can be reincarnated.

"It's nothing strange, Kaitian Stone can give birth to your pure god, why can't he be reincarnated?" Dragon God retorted: "Everything has a spirit, why are you so excited?"

Xue Luoyue swallowed her saliva: "But we don't know about it at all, where can we find Kai Tianshi at this moment."

They still don't know who he is, how to find him, really, they don't have any problems, they might as well think of other ways to deal with Yu Juechen.

They can deal with the demon soldiers, but I don't believe that the two of them can't do anything to Yu Juechen.

"Don't worry about this, I've already found the reincarnation of Kai Tianshi, but you can't refuse him when you need his help." Dragon God looked at Xue Luoyue and Yun Jueshang with deep meaning.

"What do you mean?" Xue Luoyue opened her mouth, and exchanged a glance with Yun Jueshang, not forgetting to resist Yu Juechen's attack, this Dragon God was too much to be beaten, halfway through his words, he was still tantalizing at this moment.

Dragon God straightened his face: "It means literally, but what I want to tell you is that Kai Tianshi reincarnated, just like ordinary people, but with extraordinary talents, it is impossible for him to deal with Yu Juechen by himself Yes, you can't let him get hurt, otherwise I can't guarantee what will happen to this world."

Who knows if Kai Tianshi has strengthened the world after his reincarnation, hey, really, he has been reincarnated one by one, and he is reborn alone, cleaning up the mess, I am really tired.

"Who is he?" Yun Jueshang's eyes flickered slightly, and for some reason, he seemed to have a premonition in his heart that this person was by their side.

Taking a deep breath, Dragon God said, "It's your son, he should be called Xiaoyun, I met him just now."

"How is it possible!?" Xue Luoyue was full of surprises. The baby she was born in more than ten months of pregnancy was now told her to be a stone. How could she understand this.

Dragon God shrugged, with a helpless expression on his face: "I don't need to explain too much, I think you already have an idea, don't you?".

Thinking of Xiaoyun's various cleverness and powerful intelligence when she was a child, Xue Luoyue's eyes flickered, and she already believed half of it in her heart.

As for Yun Jueshang, he was entangled in his heart, what, the stone that conceived him was now reincarnated as his son, his heart was shocked, okay?

"Don't make such an expression, it's true that the Kaitian Stone gave birth to you, but it's a stream of energy, don't think about it in the way humans raise children." The Dragon God raised his forehead and comforted Yun Jueshang.

Although he was really surprised by this incident, he never expected that Kai Tianshi would make such a joke. Well, maybe he thinks that Yun Jueshang is quite responsible and can protect the young reincarnated him.

The Dragon God didn't know, but he unexpectedly guessed Kai Tianshi's original intention in doing so without noticing it.

(End of this chapter)

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